gray talk

The construction of the Hoover Dam fascinates me. What's the name of that book?

Right on. I remember seeing him in some bits around the time the Colbert Late Show premiered, but I think he's been on the shelf for a while. He and Stephen have chemistry from decades of working together; why let Jon Batiste say a word when you've got Dinelllo right there?

I know him, and he does!

Whoa whoa whoa. Leave Tom Green out of this!

Google "Country Cukoo Clock Codpiece Zulu Warriors" and try to get that tune out of your head.

Jonah Keri is currently doing his thing for Sports Illustrated. He's still great!

But then 2008 happened! So just wait 15 more years, Indians fans! That's nothing in the grand scheme of things!

Yep, the NBA is as good right now as it's ever been. Plenty of great players/personalities, a faster style of play than in it's last peak (the Jordan era), more and more international players every year, rules that are fairly easy to understand, and games that are usually done within 2.5 hours.

Shut up, Simmons!!!

Dude. Too soon.

I've been to Pottsville a few times. It's definitely a strange place, surrounded by old coal mining towns including Centralia, the ghost town that had to be evacuated due to the decades-old coal fire burning beneath it.

Good point. Maybe this sour/gose thing has legs. I certainly hope so.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm noticing it popping up on menus all over the place, and I hope that trend continues. I've simply heard many people comment on their inability to really get into sours, usually because they simple don't like sour/tart tastes.

I loves me some sour beers, but I don't see them ever having a large enough appeal to become populist. A lot of people just can't handle and/or don't like the flavor.

The session IPA movement has really revitalized my summertime outdoor binge drinking. It's been a goddamn blessing!

You'll have a blast! I saw a Late Night taping back 2001, a few weeks after the Robert Blake murder story broke. They did a pretty funny Clutch Cargo bit (with Robert Smigel doing Blake) and Kathy Lee Gifford and Lea Remini were the guests. A comedian got bumped that night too, and I want to say it was Marc Maron. Ah

I was watching a Conan bit yesterday in which he and Kevin Hart go to the gym together. Simple premise, but as it almost always goes with Conan's remote bits it was hilarious. Conan's still the quickest person in late night. May he never change.

Maybe this link will work? If not, maybe search some less reputable sources. The whole interview is great.

Yep. I believe Jon's exact words were, "Please don't make me laugh at this."

Norm on the Daily Show doing a bit about the Crocodile Hunter only a few days after he died was maybe my second favorite Norm thing ever. (Number one being B-O-R-E-D, obviously.)