gray talk

Nope. The Cardinals are one of best teams in football. The Texans should win their division. The Dolphins aren't great, but these wins have been legit.

Oh boy. There are similar sociopaths at my office who do the same thing. And sometimes people don't flush their BM. What kind of world are we living in?!?

Breen and Van Gundy are an excellent team. Now if only they'd toss Marc Jackson's ass out of that lineup…

I wasn't at all familiar with Mike Gormann prior to these Olympics, but after watching a ton of non-USA games the past few weeks I'm officially a big fan of the guy. He knew his shit and he was legitimately funny.

Yeah, the Fremont Street Experience could use a face lift, but I feel like Downtown is on the up and up. I worry about the influx of tech money, though. Zappos HQ is Downtown now, and the last time I was there there was a minor whiff of San Francisco.

I love Downtown Vegas! The gambling's cheaper, the hotels are way less expensive, you can walk everywhere, there are some solid dive bars, and it's gotten way less stabby over the course of the past decade.

Ditto. I was off of work last week and watched the entirety of the men's tournament. It was fantastic. I really think that it could become a darling sport for the US viewing audience, especially if they can poach another NFL player or two for the team.

Mirror Traffic is the one Beck produced, isn't it? I really like that one, but I've noticed that there's never really been a consensus on everyone's favorite solo Malkmus stuff.

The Other Guys was solid. And Anchorman 2 was a mess, but there were some really funny moments in it.

Exactly what I was about to say.

The Wire is excellent, the Harry Potter movies are fine, and House of Cards is dog shit.

I agree with you there. And I think there's a way to do it. Conan's web presence mostly consists of remotes from the show going viral, which allows him to reach a wider audience without pandering or watering down his act.

Yep. In an essay full of things I don't agree with, that's the line that stuck out. This isn't a summer camp talent show. It's a network television show, produced and performed by professionals. Why would I give a rat's ass what the twittersphere has to say about it?

Don't they have the Nets' unprotected first rounder? Cheer up! The future is very bright for the Celtics. Anything beyond advancing to the second round this year is gravy.

As did I.

Oh, man. I like your thinking. I'm on board with this.

Whoa. That's intriguing. What makes you think that?

Ah yes, the classic "Shit Brick" vs "Shit Break" debate. My friends and I argued for years about this, but dennis frood is correct. It's a reference to him going home to poop. What else could it be? How does Shit Brick make any sense in the context of the film? Get your head out of your ass, Gyllenhaal!

Didn't Folk Implosion's "Natural One" show up in an episode? Although now that I look it appears it might not be available on Spotify.

Dinello is a producer on the show, and Stephen has him out on the couch for bits regularly. We're halfway there!