I live in a suburb of KC and drive through KC proper all the time, with loud ass cars. Never had an issue.
I am 18 years old, and I have sunk nearly 8 thousand dollars into my El Camino. Its rusty, its primered, and the interior is beat to shit. Every time I start to talk to people about it, they all ask “why didn’t you just go get a decent truck?”. Now I have the perfect response, thank you. I look at that car and every…
When/Where are you planning to be in KC? I refuse to get a twitter, but I would love to see this mess, and maybe get some inspiration to get one of my engineless projects running
I keep imagining this and giggling like a little girl. Something about the idea of what was a grandmas car doing silly shit like this just makes me happy.
I would take a cookie
Awww. I love you too
Where? I just looked on Fords website.
Full size work trucks. Its absurd how expensive trucks have gotten. Want a stripped out, bare bones, V8 4x4 F150? $32k. Who needs fancy leather in a work truck, and who wants to spend $32k on a work truck.
They were fantastic cars, very rugged and met the needs of the time. It would be very interesting to see how one would do today.
I think its time for something old, like really old. Pre 80s. Most people dont see these on a regular basis, let alone share them. Anything from a muscle car to a fifties cruiser all the way to a prewar car. These provide unique challenges that your previous cars have not given you. With your budget, you could easily…
The hole is there factory, the arm and hinge are custom. Its easy to open them up.
If you have any information on it, I know I would love to read it, and others too.
Hummers sure did get good at being bling-mobiles
I think thats the idea
Would this make you unable to join any of the potential lawsuits?
My dad ruined the bumper on my car. Twice. And I cant really do anything, because he gave me the car.