
That’s exactly it: the logic is that different mediums reach different audiences, and therefore require different language filters. A Tweet? That goes to the hardcore followers, who find his profanity bracing. Early morning conference with a foreign dignitary? Might be seen by Moms.

Trump’s logic (inasmuch as such a thing exists) is probably that he views tweeting as informal, and as a reflection of his personal thoughts/views. He doesn’t see it as representative of the country in any official government capacity (yes, I’m aware this is flat-out wrong). He also equates being in front of the

So folks are only respectful to you when they’re running a grift? That’s just sad, boss.


Jesus Christ, don’t call people “boss.” It reveals you as a person who isn’t clever enough to be manipulative in a subtle manner.

I will die upon the Hill of Dude. I am a man who came of age in the 80's when Dudes were Dudes and Bro’s had not yet harshed our Dudeness. A Dude is a man of relaxed character and mellow disposition, The Dude was called so for a reason.

I love how baseball writers and fans forget how much random variation matters in a baseball game, and how a short series can turn on one of random outcome in ways the regular season doesn’t.

Are the Astros better than both of these teams? Absolutely. Are they more likely than not to win? Also correct. Are they are a

Then the A’s got swept by Detroit.

Yeah, I’ve seen enough 105+ win teams lose playoff series over the years to not put anyone as a lock to win a series in baseball.

OK but why didn’t the bank alert them of fraud when he was charged $75 for tickets to a “professional” football game?

And has been said elsewhere - one kid dies from vaping and there’s a national ban. Thousands dies from gunshots.......

Preach! Vaping is a delivery system , if you put poison in it , you get poisoned. These vape carts are like bathtub gin. 

This isn’t necessarily what people are going to want to discuss the most when talking about this episode but, seriously, the vaping ban is absolute fucking horseshit and is a rather transparent example of the government being bought off by big tobacco. All of the people who died were vaping some kind of dodgy THC

The actual Tomsula Index is a list of businesses that will let you use their bathroom without having to buy anything. 

I’m going to strongly disagree with Drew on the wedding gift. If you’re in the wedding and you have to travel, then your presence (and the grand you sunk into everything) is your gift to the couple. Anyone who expects a gift after asking you to spend that much money to be a member of their wedding is an asshole and

Before we had all these high res internets and webtubes, they made more sense as all we had were monthly booklets full of radar detectors/tires ads.

The Basketball Hall of Fame rewards role players more than any comparable institution (see: Rodman, Dennis). Add to that being the most solid player on both ends of the floor on the most dominant team of his generation, and yeah, I think he gets in. I’m not going to argue the point too strenuously though.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A gajillion times yes.

QB: MAY, 19, 68... MAY... 19... 68...


QB: KILL, KILL... [Looks to sidelines, wild-eyed; makes exaggerated shrug]

Offensive Coordinator: [Signals “2" and “0"]

QB: [Nods, returns to snap count] BLUE DOG 2020, BLUE DOOOOG 2020!

CENTER: [Snaps ball]

QB: [Drops back three steps]

[Fakes left]


Interstellar was a great movie if you adhere to the principle it is the journey that made the movie, not the whys and hows of the ending.