
The girl was 16 years old. The staff in the ER had a duty by law and their licensure to report the mother administering the medication to her underage daughter. She put her life in danger (though undoubtedly she did not intend to do so) and they have to report that.

That sentence is utterly absurd and way, way out of proportion to the offense. That said, giving your child a drug you bought online is a colossally stupid fucking move, an allergic reaction or something similar could have made her extremely ill or even killed her. And doing so to avoid a 75 mile drive and missing a

No one teaches the journalism majors not to single source articles with inflammatory allegations. Also no one teaches them to call the subject for comment.

I don't believe any of this for a minute. The fact that Jez is even posting this ridiculous. It sounds like its from "Sorority Sluts 15" or whatever the fuck porno title. Complete BS. You think this stuff would have happened and there's be no complaints, no evidence, no photographs?

A recent graduate who attended Hofstra at the same time as Kazantsev told Jezebel that the final two steps of pledging in one (unnamed) sorority involved making all of the pledges remove their underwear and sit on newspapers while the older members forced them to watch lesbian porn. Anyone whose newspaper stuck to

I'm sorry, but your headline really oversold it. This is approximately the level terror this inspired:

Agreed, makes me want to kick a squirrel.

She might just want to go herself, and not want to wait 7 years for the kid. I respect that.

You can hate both. The game and the players

Same here.

I'd say her defense went past the system, as inventing a history of false accusations out of thin air is fairly unethical, especially given that the case was based on physical evidence. It would have been much better to suggest that the girl had an interest in pleasing the prosecutor and that young people can't be

I'm unfortunately not surprised that this post takes a "really, the problem is the SYSTEM" approach. The system certainly sucks but I can't imagine what sort of coverage Jez would give this were it a Republican.