
Wonder what is going to happen to all of those cute accessories - er, children they accumulated.

It’s like when you’re a kid and you’re sitting at a red light. You’re all, “it’ll turn green... right... now! Or... now! Right now! The light shall turn green right at this very... moment!” and eventually you get it right which means you have psychic powers and can cause lights to change colors at will.

Maybe, but she’s always struck me as totally nuts. That shit with her brother, for one. And I feel like I’m the only person who even noticed her straight-up lying about being accused of being involved with Pitt before his divorce, which was pretty disgusting. She claimed that she would never get involved with a

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

No. They WERE.

Frankly, she usually just says exactly what I’m thinking...same with Cameron...

Was Lamar drinking because of the bad ratings? Cause ...

i trust no one that allows their hair to be in their face while exercising

It’s a shame she wasn’t more influenced by The Roots’ Don’t Say Nuthin’.

i just wrote this above but: rewatching the whole season and it’s hilarious how she prides herself so much on her intelligence and ‘comedy’ but that standup journal reading she and tom did???? not funny, and the journal was from college because she’s talking about RA’s and she sounded dumb and ignorant. really thought

Exactly. I mean, I am willing to admit that she may have a mental illness that is causing her to make up all the lies. Or maybe she even experienced trauma in the past. But she made this up. There is no doubt. And we need to stop pretending that she didn’t.

And here is me wondering how you can be re-traumatized without being traumatized.

Yeah, can we all just stop pussyfooting around the issue and admit that she made it up. Because she did. And it is really shitty that Rolling Stone published the article because it validated every person who claims women make false rape accusations. Unfortunately, Jackie is one of those very small percentage of women.

Also, on the subject of “false” rape accusations

According to the Post, the Charlottesville PD did investigate and “determined that no one named Haven Monahan had ever attended U-Va.”(Haven Monahan is the name she made up to go with pictures of a former high school classmate of hers) and “Police ultimately determined that no gang rape occurred, and Rolling Stone

I know I’ll probably get a ton of flak for this, and trust me I sympathize as a survivor myself, but I feel that the dean has every right to depose Jackie, even if I find it repugnant that she’s going around branding Jackie as a liar.

Um, well, it seems to be more than just getting dates mixed up. There are several eye witness accounts detailing how Jackie told them she’d just experienced a sexual assault after texting them, on that specific date. It also appears there’s a good chance she created a false online identity to get closer to one of her

Sandoval might be the whiniest whiner ever to whine.

See, to me, she seems to be trying SO HARD to have that DGAF attitude. It seems to require a lot of effort on her part to be so CAREFREE and “bitch I’ll be nude all over your man and if you don’t like it’s your fault.”

Kristen will always have my heart for the pure insanity that went down in season two. The fact that she anticipated Stassi would steal her phone and TEXT JAX FROM IT as Kristen and went ahead and made a plan to counteract that is level evil genius. I love her.