I love how far Jay Leno's show has fallen that people use the word "apparently" to describe going on the show :-)
I love how far Jay Leno's show has fallen that people use the word "apparently" to describe going on the show :-)
When I travel from Albany to New York City I always ... ALWAYS take the Amtrak Empire Service ... I love it ... its one of the most enjoyable things about going to NYC ...
Arizona State University needs to fire this hack ASAP.
This is like Metallica suing its fans all over again. But stupider.
Mostly Lenovo actually.
I don't ascribe to this "Morality" thing ... its been so thoroughly contaminated as a concept ...
People have the right not to eat healthily. Even students have that right. Doctors are not god and their edicts should be ignorable if wanted.
There's nothing wrong with pizza for lunch. Nothing at all. Jamie Oliver and his ilk are busybodys who should mind their own damn business.
As an atheist ... I am used to being both right and in the minority.
Exactly, there is no law ... now ... what I am proposing is that there BE a law against it ... :-)
Why can't humanity do the right thing and legislate football out of existence? PLEASE!! Its the most asinine activity anyone could EVER participate in or watch!!!
You also have to worry about the materials of the garments outgassing in the airlock and contaminating the cabin ... and with those temperature swings the fabrics would become brittle.
Ya know ... screw Diet Coke drinkers ... just screw em ... Diet Coke is vile and disgusting and shouldn't exist in the first place ... either drink real Coca Cola or don't drink at all.
The temperatures range from -250 F in the shade to +250 in the sunlight ... the clothes wouldn't be wearable after that ... And space smells like burnt cookies and aerosol ...
This must be a special moment for you ... cause you just met one that doesn't have any issues like that whatsoever.
I would want all of her tattoos photoshopped out of any image of her before I would look at Angelina Jolie. They ruin her body and thus photoshop improves her appearance in my opinion.
I disagree ... I like a bit of airbrushing ... makes for a more visually pleasing image. This is a 100% subjective thing ... putting the force of law into such a subjective thing is wrong.
I prefer the one on the left.
I outsource my coffee making to Dunkin Donuts ... the best decision I've ever made :-)