Duplicate sorry ... my mouse is dying :-(
Duplicate sorry ... my mouse is dying :-(
Jeez ... triplicate ... my apologies.
I was unaware that Tim Burton worked for Disney in the first place.
People take ho-yay waaaaaaaaay too seriously and waaaaaaaay too literally. Its getting tired.
I wouldn't call a boulder and steep slope strewn Martian landscape "empty".
They've also managed to make the science volume/mass of each generation the same percentage (10-11% of the total)
Looks like any other Aston I've seen.
Looks like they went to the Porsche 911 school of design ...
Still don't know how Smart won this at all. Smart is still a joke car.
The 4-2-1 Bomb is going to cripple China before they can get traction in their space program ambitions IMHO.
Nothing China does is at all peaceful, and all their science is done for the betterment of the Chinese military.
The ISS was designed thermally and electromagnetically to operate at the altitude it is operating at right now ... it would not function as efficiently at a higher orbit.
The ISS will be flying till at LEAST 2020 but the lead industrial contractor for the ISS has been assigned the task of reviewing the possibility of extending its life to 2028.
I'm in because Mila Kunis ... so because Mila Kunis :-)
Way to over react HBO.
So HBO cares more about their one-off profile of Dubya's Father than their Game of Thrones franchise?
PowWow is an unfixable and unusable and useless step backwards that you should rescind not roll out in more places.
Why is this just now blowing up all over the internet? I knew this almost immediately after I got the Season 1 Blu-Ray Boxed set and watched the commentary track for the episode months ago ...
Naah a full up retelling of the Walt Simonson written issues of Thor where Loki turns Thor into a Frog in NYC ...