I guess I'll be shopping without my phone then. Thanks for the warning.
I guess I'll be shopping without my phone then. Thanks for the warning.
I hope Nikon and NASA are working to space-rate that sucker and get a couple of em up on the International Space Station ASAP.
Stacy Keibler should go back to the WWE ... I miss her there.
The main thermal radiators are in the wrong place on that model.
I still think this is a clown car. Sorry ... I just can't take this thing seriously as a vehicle.
Its the India-Pakistan border fence.
I love it that Apple's now got battery problems. Serves them right for dumping all over Flash for its battery sucking ways ... well what do ya know, Apple's batteries now suck anyway.
Put an explicit pornographic picture on your facebook page and I believe the account gets deleted instantly. Or at least gets deleted a LOT faster than if you just file the request for deletion.
That rainbow lighting is probably not used for very long periods of time at all ... possibly just as a pleasing stunt before or after the safety briefing or something like that ... just to show the full capability of the lighting system in action before it reverts to its more naturalistic in flight modes.
I actually liked the lower pressure feeling ... it meant "we're actually going somewhere" to me ... it was an exciting sensation.
Accountants are alchemists sometimes. They can make a profit look like a loss and a loss look like a profit.
Apparently you don't like Twitterwocky.
This is one reason why the US is struggling at this point in time. Too many Americans are expending resources in 100% useless culture wars fights that do NOTHING to enhance our economic fortunes.
Since it doesn't inappropriately sniff crotches, its already superior to real dogs.
I don't believe Apple is capable of acting in a legal fashion about anything.
"That's the kind of supply magic that only Apple really has the muscle to pull off" = This is the kind of market intimidation that will eventually result in a Department of Justice lawsuit.
NASA has done hundreds of rendezvous and docking operations yes, but we have never done it fully automated, there's always been a human in the loop somewhere. Only Russia has totally autonomous docking technology, technology that they've given to the European Space Agency for their ISS Cargo Vehicle, the Automated…
As long as we keep possession of Kennedy Space Center and Ernest Hemingway's House.
If you have Google Earth, you should activate the "National Geographic Megaflyover" layer, there are scores to hundreds of amazing tiny aerial pictures of Africa from an ultralight you can see that get MUCH closer than the satellite pics do ... they flew over villages and wildlife and terrain all over Sub-saharan…