It is totally worth buying a Dyson refurbished. We did it years ago and it’s worked like a dream. When you start with great quality, it stays great quality.
It is totally worth buying a Dyson refurbished. We did it years ago and it’s worked like a dream. When you start…
I’m kind of sick of the “dealing with criminals,” justifies police brutality line of defense. You’re the police. It’s your job to deal with criminals. Ideally, in a perfect world, you’d be dealing with nothing but criminals because innocent people would never be suspected of anything ever.
They are in sync, they’re just opposite, if that makes sense.
I’m pretty sure those flashing lights in the video is just the framerate of the video not being synced with the refresh rate of the LEDs. Regardless, I’m sure that thing is toast, electrically.
How would the person know if something’s an emergency or not if they don’t look to inquire?
How many women does this guy have buried in his basement? Jw
I guess I finally realized that I can wait until a price drop to play 1-2 games.
I guess I finally realized that I can wait until a price drop to play 1-2 games.
There are like, more than three. Also, yes it’s worth it.
There are like, more than three. Also, yes it’s worth it.
It’s weird that this is the only Switch I have seen on store shelves. I do wish I got this one instead of the gray version.
It’s weird that this is the only Switch I have seen on store shelves. I do wish I got this one instead of the gray…
This is a fair point.
This is one of those things where once you kinda have the building blocks, you can totally make it your own thing and just kind of experiment with whatever you have available. I’ve put together a pretty solid pan sauce for pork chops with a 1/3 can of beer, liquid smoke, tomato paste, siracha, and agave (it’s like a…
Between cell tower triangulation and Google’s wifi database, how are you having issues with the brief GPS drop outs from tall buildings? I’m assuming if these are tall enough to block GPS signal that you’re in a densely populated urban area, so the above alternatives to GPS should be accurate enough for the brief…
That’s like being mad at your refrigerator because you keep running out of milk...
I’ll stop by your house right after I pick up my Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering how to aim radio waves between dense clusters of buildings.
See Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It will make you laugh and is full of the most amazing eye candy. My husband and I liked it better than the first one and plan to see it again because we know we missed a lot of good stuff the first time. And don’t miss the FIVE clips during the credits.
I don’t mow, but my neighbors mow more often than I would like them to, sometimes all at the same time and sometimes consecutively, but always when I am home trying to watch something or talk on the phone. It sounds like I live on the flight line of the world’s busiest tiny airport, but the planes never take off, they…
I don’t mow, but my neighbors mow more often than I would like them to, sometimes all at the same time and sometimes…
I got the 40V, 20" deck version of this from Amazon a week ago. It took only 2 passes to mow a third-acre of 12-16” tall grass down to 3" on a steep slope; no choking, no sputtering, no jammed blades. It’s only about as loud as a swarm of bees, so I doubt the noise will ruin anyone’s outdoor moment of Zen. It doesn’t…
I got the 40V, 20" deck version of this from Amazon a week ago. It took only 2 passes to mow a third-acre of 12-16”…