Very Little Gravitas Indeed

Ted Cruz was a law school debate champ and former Solicitor General for the United States. He’s a smart cookie. Cruz’s problem has never been that he’s dumb, it’s that his views are abhorrent.

I really hate to dis a deal here, but I will personally never use Bouqs again and have to warn people. Their official customer service appears outsourced and is terrible. They sent our flower order to the wrong state initiall. Support insisted they got it right since the city name was correct (even though the state

I really hate to dis a deal here, but I will personally never use Bouqs again and have to warn people. Their

Although delivered poorly, I don’t think it’s bad advice. Code switching has been necessary for a lot of people, even poorer rural white people. My husband had a strong Kentucky twang as a kid, but he forced himself to get rid of it in college because of the treatment he received from people when he spoke. It sucks (I

Not being able to stock pile gifts is crap. I do it every sale. I don’t know how this has a damn thing to do with G2A since you don’t get CD keys when have gifts in your inventory.

I appreciate your comments. For what it’s worth, I did not want to offer a verdict on if Terrance is a good or bad person. I view him as complicated, and very clearly “troubled.” I personally feel he has transferred his addiction to church. Even Terrance admits there’s truth to that. And, well, he still drives a BMW.

Who said he didn’t make a few copiesIHaveWatchedAFew90sMovies

I’d be curious to skim through it. I’ve never seen a project that big and would be curious how they architected it.

They took his home his kids and his land for worthless beads? No? Then you have no idea what you are talking about.

What was the guy going to do, publicly disclose the data on the disk after publicly saying “hey I have this disk”?

I really want a job as an influencer. I recommend fruit flavored seltzer water, mixed breed dogs, never wearing shoes with Velcro, and Fun Dip Lik-a-Stix. Does anyone feel influenced? Give me a dollar.

Our enlisted guys(and gals) deployed in combat zones overseas have more rigid protocols for when to deploy lethal force than suburban cops do.

I don’t know why these morons keep shooting at moving cars. ... risk the car going out of control, thus endangering everyone in the street, when they kill the person in control of a 2-ton vehicle.

Carryover cooking is your friend. I concur with James. Grind your own, or find a meat market that’ll grind it for you upon request (they’ll usually oblige if you ask the day before you need it).

I mean, I wasn’t there so I’m hesitant to presume but let’s go so far as to assume the cop was not a racist and not trying to murder anyone. Let’s say there were indeed gunshots prior to the incident. Let’s pretend it was an honest mistake. Even so...

This is an honest (not snarky) question... Why bother using lean meat if you are going to smother in oil and a pat of butter? Just using a less lean burger meat and skipping the coatings makes more sense.

Don’t use lean meat.

The action of going mudding makes you a redneck. It’s just reality.

You can be a wealthy hedge fund manager from Wall Street named Kip Smithers, but for those five minutes that you’re ripping donuts through a field in your Mercedes GLS, you’re a redneck.

TRUE STORY: On Thursdays Appletinis were on special at the local college watering hole. Sure enough, I got hammered on them one fateful Thursday. The next day, my girlfriend at the time’s father - he of southern Maryland, equal fan of Budweiser and guns - and mother were visiting her for dinner and to socialize

You’re providing health. This is (unintelligible). Here, everything, pretty much everything you do in government, involves heart, whereas in business, most things don’t involve heart.