By doing an illegal operation in an immigrant neighborhood where they won’t report her for fear of INS involvement.
By doing an illegal operation in an immigrant neighborhood where they won’t report her for fear of INS involvement.
The Kármán line was originally proposed as 50 miles, by Theodore von Kármán. Later debate has moved it around, and is by no means settled - it is after all a fuzzy line. Depends on space weather, technology, etc.
No skin in the game either way, but isn’t it pretty optimistic to blindly say “but the bees are alive.” She’s a face on Instagram, do you actually know a single thing about the results of her efforts outside the promotional videos she uploads?
And how many times have you reported this homicidal asshole?
If you opt out of security updates, yes you are. If you choose this path, there’s a heavy burden on you the user to properly secure your machine, and any compromises are very much your own fault.
Put me in the q-tip camp too. I get excessive wax if I don’t do something - it interferes with my hearing, itches, and is generally a nuisance. But all I have to do is carefully swab the outer portion of my ear canal post-shower while everything is moist and soft. Lots of rolling to scoop up wax in the fibers, don’t…
Yeah, “sap” might be an accurate label if this is your reaction to updates. You are part of what is wrong with the internet - don’t be a botnet donor, update your shit.
The cop literally is ‘some random person weaving through traffic.’
I mean, it’s not pure science - it’s marketing and commerce, and much of what they tell you about your ancestry is not what it seems — they’re just drawing conclusions from the database of genetics they have amassed so far, not determining with high accuracy where exactly you have come from. There’s certainly a large…
I don’t understand the challenge.
Seriously, I know you got replies already but it bears repeating - Caller ID is not authenticated, it is not secure, it is not indication of who is calling you. Do not even hint that checking caller ID provides any security, please, because it does a disservice to your readers who do not realize this.
So an overweight hairy man better cover, but an overweight non-hairy woman is OK?
10 branches within 3 hrs of me (all in areas I travel often) and I’ve not once heard of the place. It sounds like a restaurant named as a joke, something you’d insert into a sitcom instead of ‘Texas Roadhouse’ (which itself, when you visit, looks like a joke of a stereotype fulfilled).
How can you morally support a product that recent studies show to be damaging to the environment? Don’t buy chemical sunscreens, don’t use them or support them. Stick with mineral ones, they work well with less harm.
How can you morally support a product that recent studies show to be damaging to the environment? Don’t buy chemical…
Why on Earth would someone use a chemical sunscreen that left a white film -- instead of a mineral sunscreen? Hell, most mineral sunscreens I’ve tried in the past few years don’t even have much white color cast.
Why on Earth would someone use a chemical sunscreen that left a white film -- instead of a mineral sunscreen? Hell,…
3 decades of new age self help cons and scams including antivax -- Can we please not take any steps to improve this troll’s public image? She’s trash.
Multitasking is great on modern phones and OSes. One button shows me all my most recent apps. Double taping that one button swaps me into the last app, so toggling back and forth between two apps repeatedly just takes a quick double tap.
I’ve never had a battery die on my electronic shopping list either. What’s so hard about charging a phone? Especially when you (presumably) just drove a giant electrical generator to the store in the first place.
How much easier? It isn’t. When I enter the store it takes about 2-3 touches to bring up my shopping list. Press the fingerprint sensor, tap the list app icon, tap the proper list. One touch to check something off.
Only a guess to fit available data -- But I suspect the kids don’t like the new relationship, and they are opting to avoid conflict rather than force the issue.