Very Little Gravitas Indeed

Funny thing, I really seriously dig the idea of homebrewing and more than once I considered starting up. Why not?

I come from a long line of ‘eh whatevers’ on alcohol, and that sorta mirrored my attitude. I dabbled, I had rip-roaring drunken fun in college, it petered out till I’m practically a teetotaller now. My wife came from a long line of drunks, followed in their footsteps (which really only meant drinking a smidge more

From my rinky dink college town... Yeah, we’ve got ID scanning computers at some bars and liquor stores, but we’ve still got holes in the wall that don’t give a shit and turn a blind eye to underage drinkers routinely, and we’ve got plenty of kids both sides of the line mingling together in college parties, keeping

Yeah, but who cares if it’s high priced booze? Not 24-26 year olds. If they’re not drinking, I doubt ‘can’t buy the good stuff’ is a big factor TBH. College and just out of college drinking doesn’t lean that way anyway.

I’m right on the cusp (X/Y/Millenial) and while I had my drinking era and there wasn’t any hard stop to my drinking, I’ve drawn away from it voluntarily over time while many friends just keep right on drinking. Personally it just wasn’t my thing - I drank to fit in and feel good, but there was a) a struggle to keep

Diesel isn’t too prone to heat-ignition. There’s a reason diesel engines ignite on compression, not spark. 

I get Chicago is seriously cold right now, but the flaming tracks bit isn’t that wild, certainly not polar vortex specialties - rail lines in my Appalachian town have large propane tanks installed every few hundred yards along the main drag through town, to run switch heaters.

That he bought a car that can handle his exhaustion doesn’t excuse him from driving in such a state. Makes the impact slightly less, doesn’t reduce the wrongdoing.

Honestly? I still think they’re clearly a dangerous a-hole. Way, way more drivers are dangerous a-holes than society seems willing to admit. We’ve normalized a mountain of deadly behavior on the road, and I’m not above calling out family and friends on it.

I did specify my desired condition, which you ignored. Smugmug does nothing to help your exposure, and it’s target viewing audience is not ‘photographers.’ It has no general viewing public at all, depending on the album owner to share the links. I get that from Google Photos for ‘free’ for web resolution images, and

Huh. Not what I expected (but then, I should have — it’s quite popular).

What better alternatives do you see?

Shit, a Hollywood 60 looks better than a lot of natural 30s around here - I think that disparity only exists in your knowledge of the actors age, and refusal to dismiss that knowledge and accept the stated character age. In other words, that’s your unique issue -- not a problem for most viewers. 

I’ve never been booted. They don’t want to create conflict if it can be avoided. Hence all the policies outlined in this article, to avoid conflicts before they start (or at least, stop the conflict from happening over a underutilized table with food you want them to pay for on it already).

I’ve never been booted. They don’t want to create conflict if it can be avoided. Hence all the policies outlined in this article, to avoid conflicts before they start (or at least, stop the conflict from happening over a underutilized table with food you want them to pay for on it already).

In that size pushbutton electronic transmissions are real common. 

And again, the premise of the joke generally has to work. You’re working with some tired material.

That, I don’t know. Poor performance in high density areas? Does Amazon do those deliveries in house or is it USPS?

This has got to be a regional issue. My prime deliveries are almost entirely 2 days, USPS, Sundays included. I curse these days when I get a UPS shipped item -- usually a subscribe and save. Those, and Prime Pantry are the ones we actually have issues with. 

Nah, it’s the brilliant point of light reflecting off internal lens surfaces and hitting the sensor at a different position. Same as lens flare, just that this point source had structure for you to see instead of the typical solar ‘ball of light.’