Very Little Gravitas Indeed

RP1 & LOX vaporizing vast quantities of flame trench water. Worst thing in there is probably the muck thrown out of the trench, or the heat of the steam. 

Which is why you should ask, to weed out those types. I’ve managed to find several doctors who had a level of familiarity with insurance billing, and could offer treatment advice within the limits imposed by my insurer, as well as using the collection of samples offered to enable treatments that might have a painful co

Coming from the IT world that sounds like really terrible planning. Considering this story, and others in the comments here. If you need power for the AC and shitter, you should have more than one source of it. Seems like you would want the train to be able to keep the passengers comfy even if the locomotive died /

I’ve had some detailed responses about this and that train using engine power -- makes some sense. But not a single explanation for taking out the onboard genset, which seems not very smart given the circumstances. Definitely gotta keep the shitter running, AC helps keep customers happy too.

Last Amtrak I saw would have been the Capital Limited. It comes through every day, though I don’t always see it of course. Last time I did.. 3 years ago, maybe? It definitely seemed like at least one of the cars had a genset chugging along. Have they changed that recently?

“High speed” on Acela means 70-80mph due to congestion, poor line design, running as a second class citizen to freight, etc. 

Every Amtrak and excursion train I’ve seen in the US had an APU chugging away . Why didn’t this?

Honestly every single passenger train I’ve seen bigger than an inner-city metro (being in America, this means only Amtraks and a few tourist excursion trains) had an APU.

Minor point of contention — nice cookware will not be harmed by a dishwasher. Fragile, cookware inappropriate for actual cooking, perhaps.

Oh hell yeah. I’ve known a lot of families with pristine dishwashers and a strong belief in handwash only.

I genuinely had a major beef with my mail carrier about two years ago - he was clearly past due for retirement and basically stopped touching anything heavier than a catalog. Leaving packages in the office, marking them out for delivery, leaving notes in our mailbox and sneaking away (we work from home and homeschool,

Your point is valid, yet...

Damn, fucking harsh. They’re trying to offer a strong identity verification for a free service, so they make the most of low quality identity info. I’ve had pay services that clearly had similarly low quality information sources try and verify me and fail in ways just like all the complaints in this thread - the flaw

You mean the military fetishist is clueless on the historical context of the examples he uses? Say it ain’t so.. 

The ‘real issue’ is your whataboutism and shifting goalposts. She didn’t benefit from the claim, she didn’t make the claim for personal gain. So it’s a trivial statement, either way.

I mean, without the screaming - why not? I don’t go out of my way to make their jobs hard, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to inconvenience myself to comply with their quality control when I’m ready to walk out the door. I paid, I’m leaving. Bye.

Her head is up, moving back and forth over the audience as she sings -- looks like she just lost track of where she was, and took one step too many. 

Given this very article says you can be contagious a day before expressing symptoms, how exactly do you expect that to help contain the flu and replace the flu shot for protecting the weak?

It occurs to me that you really don’t understand what you’re saying at all. Vaccines generally work, or we wouldn’t be using them. It’s just that the flu vaccine effectiveness is highly variable. There are many strains, each year’s batch is aimed at the predicted strains that year. Different strains will have

Nothing in that quote you just gave me implies perfection. No one is making this claim, it’s a strawman you put out there for no apparent reason.