Very Little Gravitas Indeed

These aren’t even competitive prices with brick and mortar stores.

These aren’t even competitive prices with brick and mortar stores.

Is it weird that I can’t conceptualize the problem this is solving? Balls from thigh, I can see that helping. But why separate penis and balls?

Is it weird that I can’t conceptualize the problem this is solving? Balls from thigh, I can see that helping. But

Do 11 episodes in a 25 year span really make a trend? Feels like a reach.

The book essentially sells us on a female Dwayne Johnson. I think they did pretty good considering.

Constant acceleration is a real game changer. I was a nerdy kid. I blew my own mind a bit once in grade school when I did the math to realize you’d be bumping up against lightspeed within a year of 1G acceleration.

The distance from Earth to Jupiter can nearly double, from 588 to 968 million kilometers, depending on the date. This is true for any two objects in system, so you can’t really do travel time without a date, which they don’t really give with precision. There’s also instances later in the books where the travel time

Don’t get too deep in there, they’re only “hard-like” scifi. The travel times fall apart if you dig too deep.

That sounds frustrating, and about what I expected when I considered a crank grinder last time. I’m glad I got the Chromium Chrusher instead - it’s outlasted my last three cheap diamond/oval tooth grinders, and is always easy to turn with that big grip.

That sounds frustrating, and about what I expected when I considered a crank grinder last time. I’m glad I got the

Seems pretty steep (in price tag and storage space) for a unitasker that doesn’t particularly outperform non-unitasker options.

Seems pretty steep (in price tag and storage space) for a unitasker that doesn’t particularly outperform

Don’t waste your time buying grinders with those little two sided teeth - they round over in no time and stop grinding effectively. Best grinder purchase I ever made was getting a model with squared, four sided teeth - after six months of high volume usage it hasn’t dulled any noticeable amount and still performs

Don’t waste your time buying grinders with those little two sided teeth - they round over in no time and stop

Just a reminder, the glowing endorsement they use for this wallet is “it lasts a bit more than a year.”

Just a reminder, the glowing endorsement they use for this wallet is “it lasts a bit more than a year.”

Spelling is better, but your trolling is still pretty damn weak.

*Eating. Eating. Study up, you got a long way to go.

It’s more than fair; it exposes the basic lie in this article’s premise - calories and grams of fat do not equal health, or “better.”

Why must you be an ass? He’s talking about travel food, not hunting down a great donut. DD is shit but it’s everywhere, and if you want to grab a quick snack and caffienate on the road it’s a common option.

A bottle of soylent is deep in the “mediocre meals” department to me.

A bottle of soylent is deep in the “mediocre meals” department to me.

Props for adding stuff - the specific title filter is a neat touch that I doubt anyone else offers.

So this article gets stickied up top routinely, posted and reposted (or bumped somehow, whatever) ... And it’s supposedly just a review, not paid placement?

So this article gets stickied up top routinely, posted and reposted (or bumped somehow, whatever) ... And it’s

You could, but it defeats the purpose of the modular tractor and payload system we have now.

Debunking psuedoscience? Hah — Next you’ll tell me Dr Phil is a paragon of solid counseling and Oprah is Queen of the Skeptics. This is reality TV hogwash. The premise is either legally and morally shaky — or more likely completely fabricated by writers and actors and utterly false.