
Did you seriously suggest dealerships keep a stock of steelies around to slap on inventory while it waits to be sold?

I can’t even begin to list all the reasons this is a completely insane idea, far removed from a reality where it’s a good idea. We’ll just start with the question: Where do you store a pile of rims and

about as close as you’ll get, it’s a runner, BAT

This is one of the only working streamlined steamers from the 1940's still left on the rails - really impressive in person.

They’ve got a couple steam engines here at the Oregon Rail museum in Portland. They’re always fundraising for restores and repairs on their working fleet, and you can watch them pulling these things apart. The men (almost always grizzled old white dudes) are some of the last people alive who know how they work and go

You can learn all you need to know about a place by finding a local dive bar and posting up for a few hours, just watching and listening to the flow.

Then again, there are some corners of the country where even the locals don’t really do much drinking at the bar, I’ve spent some time in real backwaters where there was

I’ve been in Portland for a while now and I’ll back this up, I’ve delivered wine and beer to a lot of the ‘best’ places in town and they’re not all that great IMHO. Some of the dives are just leagues better than the trendy downtown places but you’d never know it from the reviews, which tend to be far too snarky and

Would it really have been so hard to put just one ‘craft’ mexican lager in the mix? I mean, just for fun. Even if I could never find that brand in my market, it’s still worth showing that maybe a smaller brewery might have superior product.

No shit. The guy who owns the shop I routinely make a mess in has to take his non-M E36 coupe off the lift whenever I need to wrench on my Excursion. He’s spent a small fortune getting it pretty close to M-spec but there’s always some coolant leak in the heater core or...I dunno I tune it out these days but it’s

When I am supposed to walk dogs in this schedule?

No, fucknut, cold delivery vehicles usually have their own generators to power the trailer or box. It’s that nisy thing above the cab of the truck, or bolted to the front of a semi trailer.

There are minimal benefits to leaving your truck idle. It happens because they’re not paying for the fuel, and delivery grunts aren’t exactly known as the most intelligent bunch out there. I’ve worked on docks and with truckers and they’d all agree with this statement.

Park your car and take the fucking train.


Doesn’t work out too well does it?

sounds a lot like Portland.

Modern automotive tech means that none of these trucks should be idling, not ever, for any length of time in these areas. Diesel or otherwise. It blows my mind when people leave these things running simply because they’re not paying for the gas.

FWIW, I’ve seen much worse after multi-day music festivals.

It’s probably a good thing you don’t see after pics of Coachella; it’d be hard to have a lesser opinion of the fucked-up kids that populate these fests than I already do. But at least they can fall back on the ‘drugs and music’ defense.

They don’t call it white trash for nothing.


Reminds me of a neighbor I had a while back.
We lived about a block from a large train yard/switching area, with the constant hum and crash of bigass trains doing train things.

Don’t forget that tangled 6-ft USB to USB-C cable that’ll be wrapped around your sunglasses, earbuds and whatever else you need to get at...

PLUS all the fun of having to drag around 5 chargers and cables since they’ve all got approximately 20 minutes of battery life in that config. Neat

I reserve the right to smack anyone who asks for ‘an extra charger’ at the coffee shop after they’ve talked shit about the size of phones with enough battery power to last A SINGLE FUCKING DAY.