
They mention some of the exotic forms of ice that form under immense pressure, which is what really intrigues me. We’re slowly pushing the boundaries of materials science and fabrication, with examples like metallic hydrogen to show the advancing science.

So, maybe go back and read the article again, but it doesn’t seem to leave much room for geothermal vents if we’re talking about water under enough pressure to for exotic types of ice to form.

It was the 90's, so YES ABSOLUTELY. Overt sexual images were defacto requirements for movie marketing materials until well into the new century.

In hindsight, that neckline may have been the most exciting part of the movie.

wow you were so very wrong lol

None of those things happened.

And if that bread girl did anything when all hell broke loose in the crypts, I didn’t catch it what with the terrible editing and whatnot.

Dear facebook:
We want to fuck everybody. Now go away because you’re not helping that to happen, what with 10-year old posts of mine popping up regularly in other peoples’ streams...

Those gradients show up in the 1080p torrents I downloaded - both of them from different sources. 

I grabbed a 1080 torrent - no streaming - and the ‘shades of black’ that literally stepped into each other was just unwatchable.

It’s like they never considered that pepole might watch this episode in anything other than 4k or whatever the format is now. Fire 10? iPad? 8-year old Vizeo? I tried the 1080 torrent on all

They very deliberately choose to skip the types of mental and psychological screening that is manditory for agencies like thee FBI and CIA. Not that these should be held as the high standard in law enforcement hiring practice, but there are obvious overlaps in skillsets and desired behaviors.

Now that this has hit the news, it’s only a matter of time before trashy white assholes show up and paint over it.

Granted, they’re just the slumlords that own the property, but there you go.

I mean...a person could easily kill themselves at running speed. 

1) if only helmets mitigated stupid

No mention of how oneight be able to actually read webpages on sites like gizmodo without the CONSTANT AND UNENDING video ads and bullshit that gets stuffed between every 100 word segment.

I would argue there should be a cabinet-level position for our executive branch, as well.

If these projects got even a fraction of the money spent on state and federal highway improvements, the technical developments needed to make this a viable project wouldn’t take long at all. The overwhelming number of cost savings in a tunnel compared to most surface improvements will eventually make it more

She’s in the middle of the Med relaxing on her superyacht, watching her staff firehose poor immigrants- err, I mean, repel boarders while sipping $5,000/bottle champagne.

She’ll get back on the beat when she damn well feels like it.

“...atrocious rear visibility...”

I’m spoiled; if I go to a place here that doesn’t wash their glassware properly, I wont go back.

GTFO with that garnish BS.
The only German-style beer that should have any fruit additives is a Berliner-weisse. If you put an orange on your hefe glass in Germany you’d probably be banished from the beer hall for life (at least, in a perfect world).

A definte no when it comes to garnishing your beer. The brew should