
The marketing folks that continue to push the ‘Golden Arches’ would likely disagree.

Just wait until your ‘social group’ rounds 40 and thier ‘friday night’ post is inevitably all about some family event that nobody outside of said family is invited to. It’s the height of useless self-absorbed social interaction and it’s baffling.

I’m sorry does planning a camping trip (where, ostensibly, you’ll have limited access to FB) require 24/7 contact? What happens when you go camping and something important happens on your FB feed? OMG!
I’m a veteran burner, when I go ‘camping’ it requires literal months of pre-planning with a dozen+ other people and we

Seriously if you value the input of people who live thousands of miles away over the people in your immediate surroundings you’ve got fucked up priorities. Keeping up with distant family is great and all but they ain’t gonna help you move or go out to dinner with you are they?

It’s called a phone. Often with the preface of: cell

Yes those friends thousands of miles away will have a definite, measureable impact on your life every fucking day the world spins. Get off it.
They don’t give a shit about you when they’re off fakebook, I can almost promise you they’d forget entirely and you’d do what humans have done for the entire period of tens of

Maybe they’d have been in the right spot in like 30 years once Berlin expanded a bit...shortsighted IMHO (j/k)

One-dimensional how, exactly?
If you’re going by the kind of beers they make, well...they make dozens of different beers with more than a few being dark, malty bits (yearly russian imperial variations) and smooth creamy darkness (wootstout), in addition to the IPAs they make. The barleywine Old Guardian enjoys more

Because it’s cheaper to buy a motorcycle that you can run from the cops on when you don’t intend on insuring or registering said vehicle.

Cars, they come with a lot of responsibility that these fuckwads aren’t interested in. It’s easier to run pedestrians down if they can’t track your plate numbers...

He bounced and rolled.
That, friends, is how you dismount an illegal dirtbike.

“FB is popular because that’s where all the people are”
NO. It’s where lazy people go to find other lazy people.

I started popping in every couple of months after a loooooooong break and it’s like eating thumbtacks - at first you think you might be able to choke it down a little bit at a time but you find out too late it ain’t gonna work out well.

My old roomate has one of these and has performed zero maintenence on it in the last decade. It still starts and runs and moves but I wouldn’t trust it to highway speeds or any real spped, really, since it’s slowly turning into a reddish cheese of the swiss style.

It feels like one day he’ll walk out to find a pile of

I’d wager that almost all of the people currently serving in the higher ranks of the GOP - either as an elected official, consultant, or staffer - have literally given up the personal pretense of giving a shit, simply because it feels so damn good to see your ideological foes go stark raving mad.

I imagine the one would gain as much insight into cheeto-in-chief’s thinking by reading his daily tweets, and watching a summary of Faux News’ most near-racist comments.

For a....10 oz plastic cup? What a steal.

So, question....why would you bring along your children anyways, if they need to be distracted the whole time?

I know I know, dumb parenting question with an obvious answer...

But seriously, your freaking toddler shouldn’t be at the ball game. Until a kid is old enough to SIT FUCKING STILL, I’m of a mind they shouldn’t

I recently got into a heated debate with some MLB fans here in Portland, OR. For some stupid reason they’ve been pushing to build a stadium downtown in a city with disgustingly high rents already. Depending on which proposal they’re floating this week, it’ll use city land, sold at a steep discount and absolutely

So, you leave Portland around 2pm, putting you in the southern part of Oregon (hopefully) around sunset. Those ‘scenic’ views they advertise? You can’t even see the shadows outside because the interior lights make it impossible to see out.
Although I’m not sure how the trip from Seattle took 34 hours, the trip from

There is no attraction to traveling by Greyhound. None. Period. It is a last-resort among last resorts, when even hitch-hiking is an option.
I’ve traveled halfway across the country on a greyhound and it was, you know that phrase..the worst? Yeah that. Stopping at every armpit and rest stop in every dusty-ass corner