
Killed, dressed and eaten

you can also call up and complain after you trip, the car I was on had a backed-up toilet from, ohhh....Minneapolis all the way through to Portland. I took photos and called up as soon as I got off and they refunded 100% of that leg, Chicago to Portland. $160 credit, granted, only for more train travel, but that’s

I think I sat next to that dude, except it was Toledo. He had to shit in Toledo, and boy, was he in a hurry once he figured out where he was.

NO, this is WRONG. You can bring whatever the fuck you want on the train but ALCOHOL MUST BE CONSUMED IN PRIVATE QUARTERS (PER AMTRAK POLICY).

SO here’s some fun: If you’re looking to go from Portland south past LA, you’ve got to make 3 connections, no joke, unless you want to spend another day traveling. Turns out that the train from Portland can’t make it to the LA terminal before the SW-SE train departs (I travel to Albuquerque for about half the cost of

I guarantee I’d smoke that Amtrak from Portland to Seattle. Valentine, beep your heart out. Ask me how I know (I won a bet).

FWIW when you leave Portland (daily at 2:30) heading south you’re in the valley until about...sunset. All the good scenery in NorCal passes by in the night and come sunup you’re staring at the


Staggeringly expensive, until you look at how much time and fuel we waste sitting in traffic. Yes, most people would waste the time they save by watching some shitty reality show, but they’d be wasting the time how they wanted, not stuck in an idling car somewhere.

Shortsighted much?
Once China has grown - remember, it’s got a couple billion citizzens already - all those unused miles and infrastructure will pay for itself.
At about the same time in the U.S. we’ll have to basically rebuild our entire infrastructure from scratch because we haven’t invested in it AT ALL in the last

While it was slooooow, I’m pretty sure it didn’t take all day to get from Chicago to Minny. No, actually, it says just under 8 hours travel time. Compared to the 6 hour estimated drive time from station to station, plus whatever stops you make for food and gas, and/or traffic...the train really isn’t that bad, from

Sooo one of the main classes of people buying the cross-country rides are super-old folks who simply cannot do air or road travel for whatever reason. Seriously, if you hit the loung in Portland before boarding, the average age is probably 70+ and there’s an oxygen tank for every 3 people in the room.

There are legit

Sooo a couple thoughts on the ‘scenery’ of the great American (mid)west - I took the northern route from Boston to Portland via Chicago in mid-August last year:

I may be wrong on this, but on some east coast routes you can load up your car on the train and take it with you. At least they used to...

pffft only if you’re an amature. Rode this summer from Boston to Portland and went through both of my vape pens w/friends. By about the middle of Minnesota we were smoking openly in the viewing car...I must’ve gotten about half the train high on that trip.

I did watch one dude get hauled of the train after smoking a

All these words and you never see it:

Toppling Goliath is all garbage now. They’re also assholes. See:twitter

Technically it’d be called a ‘lounge’ or sitting room if it’s big enough to have a freaking couch.

In the couple hundred reviews I’ve done over the years, most of the worst ones centered around the apalling condition of the bathrooms, often located right next to the entrance to the kitchen...which is usually at least as disgusting as the bathroom.

Business owners seem to ignore this simple fact: WE CAN SEE YOUR

No, Bezos beat him to it. It’s Amazon.

Search for ‘Stanich’s Portland’ and see your sarcasm laid bare as truth and reality...