
First thought: Having recently bounced off the side of a Kia that turned right across my bike lane as I sped down a hill ~20+mph, I can honestly say this dude is fucked in the head. If I hadn’t been wearing my helmet (which I almost never did except the day I got hit) I wouldn’t be writing this right now, if I was

OH REALLY - the asshat in the left lane is drunk with an open container? This is my surprised face. It’s similar to the angry one I wear whenever I come up on one of these lazy fcks and ask myself why they think it’s okay.
I should just accept that they’re really stupid, and probably drunk.

Noooo, not really. I’ve been involved (at a distance thankfully) with several breweries that lasted less than 2 years before closing. Their beer was terrible and the owner/brewer refused to recognize that small-batch homebrew recipes need significant modifications when using larger industrial equipment.

For example

Take something you love a lot. A passion. Something you enjoy doing.

They’re doing fine - Stone is still expanding in Europe and their east-coast operations are at 100% production if my source is accurate (he is). Green Flash is much, much smaller and sorta missed the boat the last few years, they haven’t really evolved much IMHO. Lagunitas is still crushing it, too.

That said, Stone

Give thanks for small blessings, I seriously cannot wait for this hazy shit to become the latest dying trend. (In Portland, you’re doing at least 3 hazy ipa versions as a brewer, or you’re not getting any attention).

One of my favorite breweries, Toppling Goliath (based in tiny tiny Decorah, Iowa) has been doing very well and just opened a very large new taproom/retail space in a town of 8,700. It has become an actual destination trip for beer geeks, which is astonishing because it’s a 2-hour drive from the nearest decent sized

Hello from Portland! AKA Beervana. I moved here in ‘15 to get into the brewing industry and managed to get close enough to see behind the curtain and turn the hell back around to stay at the bar...

The thing about depression is it really sucks your moticational energy right out of you. If your own mental struggles don’t run you dry by the time your coffee is done brewing, something during the day will. Making wholesome meals and going to the damn store every day is just not in the cards when you hate the world

Another commenter who either didn’t read the related material or has a really hard time with critical thinking; This article and the study absolutely implied it could be a cure, just without saying that explicitly.

So, again, the argement is that either:

I would shy away from bringing these into any place where you have to walk through metal detectors manned by actual law enforcement folks. I’d imagine they wouldn’t find it as amusing as your local ticket-ripper-in-training does.

They are defintely the way to go-

I mean, wine isn’t such a bad choice in the theater, especially if it’s in this format vs a big box or w/e (we tried smuggling 750ml bottles in once, was a disaster). You ever tried sneaking in a bottle(s), corkscrew and stemware into a movie theater? Leave that shit to the pros...

I’ve had this happen repeatedly over the last few months - I’ve had packages that were ‘out for delivery’ suddenly get bumped back by more than a week and other items I ordered that were absolutely listed in-stock 2-day delivery yadda yadda promised that wouldn’t bill for 5 days and shipped even later.

So I’ve been learning all about what happens after you’re hit by a car while cycling here in the U.S. - it’s really not so great. YMMV on some of this depending on where you live, buuuut generally:
The police aren’t obligated to give you any information about the person who hit you, not immediately anyways. It’s been 2

If you’re on a serious workout and already winded, with adrenaline and everything else going, you’re not going to have much in it. I chased someone down not long ago after they intentionally tried to hit me while cycling, and I was so spent by time I caught up, heart pumping in my ears, that I wouldn’t have been an

At least three other people have pointed out to you, in clear and coherant language, that riding at any decent speed on ‘bike paths’ is simply not feasible in any area that qualifies as ‘urban’. That is because the phrase ‘bike path’ is not accurate in any way, as they’re often termed ‘multi-use’ paths and most cities

No but apparently you can ignore the laws of your fellow man, created because your dumb asses wouldn’t otherwise respect the lives of your fellow humans.

If for any reason you feel you - or others - can’t avoid hitting a cyclist when you/they drive, then you shouldn’t be allowed to. It’s not fucking hard, and many many

It’s risky as fuck to drive, walk, or even cross a fucking street so your argument is completely invalid at any level.

Seriously, there have been 9 pedestrian deaths in Portland in the last few months. 9 people crossing the road. I’ve been hit by a car turning across my bike lane, and it went unreported in the local