It’s called ‘inbreeding’. #arkansas
It’s called ‘inbreeding’. #arkansas
Yeah it’s actually a physical deformaty, there’s not thought going into it.
nicely done, combining multiple comments.
Ever since her secondpress breifing, I’ve been calling her a #piginlipstick
Yeah sorta valid points but none of that compares in the slightest to what Trump and his cronies are up to, does it? At least all Obama’s shit was directed at countries not America. Trump, otoh, wonders why we can’t bomb our own civilians. Probably. I’d take that bet, anyways. You know he says some truly awful shit…
Get bent with all this shit, yo. Pissing all over origin stories simply because they don’t feature your preferred set of human gender organs and/or POC is not a great way to make friends.
True fans of Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett will know that, when left in a car for any amount of time, any cassette tape will eventually become Queen. It’s a universal constant. And some day, it could save humanity.
The theory is that Queen is the all-time greatest band ever, and so all other music eventually will…
yeeeeeeah but I forgot a couple books in the basement and the library refuses to budge on the $100 or so in late fees they pegged me with. Soooo sorta.
fuuuuuck I just finished season two and I thought she was familiar
Synths, yo. Can’t trust ‘em
Can confirm. Saw them several times in the midwest (close enough to eastern Iowa for a teenager to get to), after Mellon Collie, and they only played massive arenas and crap. Was not nearly as profound as, say, Nine Inch Nails shows (obvs), and they certainly weren’t pushing any boundaries on those tours.
“OH? Smashing Pumpkins is touring this year? In Portland, even?”(because of course Portland)
*checks ticket prices
Uhhh, like my late great-grandfather, he was born and raised when racism and sexism were de facto institutionalized and systematic from the top-down.
BAT - and a notarized copy of your bank statement and assets.
Here in Portland, it’s stupid white kids that do that shit, usually a gaggle of bros, and I’ve put the bumper of a delivery van right up on that crosswalk as they approached. One dickweed slapped the hood and I chased him all the way up the street with my beater bar. Alas, a running van full of wine beats out the…
Yeah, a natural, completely 100% expected reaction after having your adrenaline spiked. Seriously, even drag racers can still get juiced after being ran into and rolled over and having his entire car destroyed. I’d be pissed too.
“All the help I’ve recieved as an adult happened at the ‘community resource’ level, free- or sliding-scale public counseling options.”
I am fully aware of the strained, difficult-to-come-by and often vanishing mental health resources in this country. 100% of the time they reccomend medication first before counseling…
But that’s part of the problem - the pain I carry constantly has turned me caustic and the world I see is clueless and vile and petty and hateful and, even with all of that, I know I hate myself more than any of those people could possibly understand and so it cycles into more hatred of both myself and others.
WTF are you talking about? The current class of antidepressants work a heck of a lot better than the first couple generations, but they ABSOLUTELY change the personality of someone, still, and sometimes irreversibly. We still have no practical idea or knowledge about just what, exactly, is going on in the brains of…