Well, at least you’ve got several options for sleeping that don’t include the couch...
Well, at least you’ve got several options for sleeping that don’t include the couch...
Can we we talk about the kind of morons who don’t know how to turn their headlights on at all in a modern car?
Lots of useless words when you could have just said this:
gravit8 is approaching 40 and has had health insurance as an adult for a total of less than a complete year. None of the shit warehouse and temp jobs ever had it before ACA and now they’re all temp gigs so....no insurance at all in that industry anymore. If you can’t manage to keep your office politics aligned for…
It’s just....football, man.
And had a reaaaaaally bad time.
We had an old rock quarry behind our house that was filled in with water - several acres of frozen flatness every winter, at least when I was younger. I guess I was never the quad driver in those days, but I can attest to hanging on for my life as the rocks and trees of the shoreline whipped past us on an inner tube…
Just a reminder that, if you worked at a walmart for 20 years, you’d probably have started at or just above minimum wage (~$7/hr in most areas), and probably been considered full-time at 32 hours a week, with many, many changes to scheduling policies and benefits packages and time off, eliminating retirement options…
Take solid notes on a daily basis as this shit goes down or you’ll miss all the fun nuance later on in life. There’s no real guarantee that others sources will be reliable in the future if you can’t verify it all yourself, you know?
Sarah huckabee sanders #lipstickonapig
...because they completely misunderstand it?
Most contracts also have stipulations on what changes, if any, can be made, and how those cahnges are agrees upon and implimented.
Riding through sandy ‘whoops’ like that, you want to rear wheel to be able to track where it wants to go, hoping your forward momentum keeps you from swapping ends or slapping the ol’ tank. If you put your weight on the pegs and can’t react quickly enough to the bike as it plows through the tops of the whoops, you’ll…
HAHAHA your employer thinks that’s a funny joke.
The first problem with your bullshit is that YOU PRESUME A FINITE UPPER LIMIT OF RESOURCES AND BASIC HUMAN COMPASSION. I could explain at length why this colors your entire perception of capitalism and the human living condition we all suffer through. The fact is that while some natural resources are indeed finite,…
HUH - it’s funny, because the people I know who have put away money for retirement make active choices, based on the assets they have (including 401k accounts), which often includes taking out more credit because they have more collateral already. Even though I’m not wealthy myself, I understand how one would look at…
99% of the time the odo will be connected to the driveline (because you don’t really care about the wear on the chassis, you want to know about the engine and trans components’ wear rates). All of the cars I’ve owned had the sensor in the transmission housing, usually on the output shaft or a half-shaft on FWD.
Because that would then lead to other stupid shit, like changing back to the right-hand lane after passing someone; driving shouldn’t be a continual effort, you know. Once you’ve set that heater on full-blast, changing the setting would require that infintesimal amount of attention that should (hypothetically) be used…
That’s a really decent write-up, well done. While I enjoy me the CBS and KBS, the basic breakfast stout 100% worthy of standing in the same line-up of breakfast offenders. No need to trip over everyone rushing to buy a 4-pack of that other stuff unless you really enjoy price gouging and bullshit beer snobs leading you…
Somebody on that block has got to have a Zamboni, right? Get the neighbors together to hack open the garage door and you’ve a delightful new neighborhood attraction.