
150k is less than half what you’d expect these cars to run as long as you keep up on basic maintenance. Sure, they’re not as bulletproof as a 90's honda civic, but they’ll go forever. I’ve seen versions of this car that were not much more than the subframe and a bunch of large holes where sheet metal used to be, and

Sorry, Graverobber, but my neighbor’s silver-grey verision of this year clearly had the 4-door sports car sticker in the driver’s rear passenger triangle glass. I took note of it as I’d never previously seen such branding from Nissan despite being a fan of that crossover period where you’d be forgiven for calling

ALL OF IT. All of the horses are my ideal amount of horsepower.


Hey fuckface - plenty of people with skills far better than you’ve got make far less than you do. Stop with your righteous bullshit and pretend for half a second that you work 40 hours a week, hauling around $50k in student loans every talking head dipshit (that’s YOU, BTW) says you needed just to get in the industry

Hey, dipshit, if you run a business and you’re afraid of rendering services before getting paid - USE A FUCKING CREDIT CARD DEPOSIT.

Even better: If Jesus, God and Ronald Reagan came down into this mess in human form, they’d all be crucified by their respective organizations before being called ‘heretic’.

You could sit here all day an LOOK for this evidence. But you won’t be finding it. You see, it’s typical of willfully ignorant types - aka Trump supporters, and the GOP in general - to dismiss very obvious, conclusive, and overwhelming evidence against your position as you slander others with - literally - no evidence


Awesome idea. Great execution. Lots of room in the back seat for some friends to ride along as you get really fuckin high on crack and decide the value of your project on craigslist, settling on a number that sounds good to you, as you hit the pipe again. CP


So clever.

WHOA! Hold on there, cowboy!

Checks out.

Top o’ the pile BITD my friend. Nobody that wasn’t an A-list celeb could find or afford one of these, and they were the most-most bad-ass looking thing on the streets that wasn’t some new model with a prancing horse on the badge. Coming from the streets, if you rolled through the hood in one of these, up high and

Ehh, can we not even put this one in the pipe? I’m feeling a bit worn out lately, GR, because you’ve been bringing the crack home for the last two weeks or so. I mean...I can only take so much. CP. Half that and we’ll talk. Better photos and a touch more info might get me to $8k - bit only if it also comes with an

Probably reruns, since the show was on ‘88-’98. You’d have been old enough to know it wasn’t a kids show, but not old enough to understand wtf was going. Probably.

Sorry, gonna disagree about the tattoos not meaning anything.

Sadly, not the only ones. Though I’ve tried mightily to erase that travesty from my memory banks, it has viral-like grip somewhere in the root, and it can’t be forgotten.

At least these customers managed to get out of the car. I still chuckle a little whenever I think of the poor schmucks who lock themselves in newer cars because the whole door locking thing is too confusing.