HAHAHAHA no its with 2700 with its added mods bettering its features its book value will go from 2700 to 10000 private party
HAHAHAHA no its with 2700 with its added mods bettering its features its book value will go from 2700 to 10000 private party
If by ‘attention’ you mean ‘ridicule’, you are correct.
If it’s a theft deterrent device, you don’t put it in the center console, literally the first place thieves look when stealing shit out of, or simply just taking, your car. Unless you’re as dumb as most thieves.
Well you’d still end up with a decent chance of getting a used airbag, even from your ‘factory authorized’ service. Just because a dealership (or whomever) is charging you new, factory-fresh equipment prices, it doesn’t mean they didn’t get the replacement airbags from a wholesaler or other 3rd-party distro. Yes, even…
I’ve got every issue of CARtoons in a sealed mylar bags. I’ve read every copy and those are the last eyeballs that will ever grace those pages.
uhhh, Nice Price? Where’s the voting button?
I’d slow that roll, because most ‘collections’ are just storage units piled to the rafters with total junk.
Did you see any V6's in any of the Mad Max movies?
No, you did not. And that’s the only explanation you need.
Find me a similar 2-owner car with less than 100k on the clock for anywhere near that price and we’ll talk some more.
Hey there. DO you remember a few years back when our economy was on the verge of complete collapse? You remember the little stimulus thing they did, Junkers for cash? You remember how the gubment gave out thousands of dollars for the trade-in on older, ‘beater’ cars if you bought a new one?
What, no Jncos?
This is about as ‘like new’ as it gets, on a fantastic car from the peak of small-car motoring greatness.
Burn it. Burn it with fire.
Yeah. Anybody that has a college degree of any sort should be expected to write legible, logical sentences, especially in the opening paragraph. That was literally the first year of college, for those of you who remember - learning proper sentence structure and how to do some fucking research.
“Oh? You don’t want to drive the truck we’ve assigned you today because your wittwle baby self is afraid the brakes don’t work? Get in the truck or you’re fired.”
And that makes you a weeping, infected boil on the face of humanity.
Yes it’s a bad scene in general, since the positive/negative up/down is restricted. That much tension on the suspension would eventually cause damage, especially driving down the road. The unnatural compression, coupled with limited rebound, isn’t the best way to do it.
Two things we need in American high schools STAT:
Seems like I learned all this in my HS auto tech class way, waaaay back in the mid 90's. It’s funny how the one incredibly complex machine we rely on to get around (for most people in the US with access to a car, it is their only mode of transport) isn’t understood by...well, most of them. Between automotive knowledge…