
This is so so so accurate. I, for one, look forward to Hannah Ann’s eventual drunken meltdown in the parking lot of a Hendersonville Mexican restaurant. Will it get a little racist? Yeah, probably!

I think, the best sauce, has to be the most universal sauce i.e. the sauce that can be applied to the most things. The obvious answer here is hot sauce (I’m a basic Franks Red Hot White Girl, but Valentina is my second,) which can literally be put on anything, but outside of that; the answer is dijon mustard. It can

I think, the best sauce, has to be the most universal sauce i.e. the sauce that can be applied to the most things.

I think ppl always point to her Monster spot (rightfully) but her parts in Roman’s Revenge are insane, specially the intro.

I love hearing about the songs artists totally regret making.

Underrated comment right here. 

omg same I lolled really hard and absolutely have a mental image of this mom. 

I’m actually scared for him, he’s created such a beautiful, lived-in character I’m worried he won’t be able to escape David’s shadow as he gets more roles.

Not too severe, I hope! Her brand of bitchiness deserves an inward eyeroll/scoff and not much more than that, as it was your standard “I’m Better Than You Central Indiana Upper Middle Class Hillbillies And One Day I’ll Prove It To You” and dammit, she kinda did!

I have a thimble of tea on Good Bones in that I went to college with Mina and our friend groups overlapped (Indiana is one giant small town, basically) and she was very classically bitchy when we crossed paths at parties both during college and in the immediate period after college when I was still living in Indy. I

Pete would bring chips and salsa to a potluck.

Yeah, the cheating that occurred in the original at least occurred within the confines of actual storytelling and something that a series of character decisions built towards. There haven’t been enough episodes for them to build any stakes, so wedging a cheating storyline into each character arc feels rote rather than

Some of the best character continuity from the original is Shane being hyper-perspective of everyone else’s emotions. She was always able to identify new hook-ups or feelings sometimes before the characters admitted it to themselves. Seeing her immediately identify that Bette was getting some, that Alice and Gigi have

Yeah I’m confused about that timeline.

Totally agree, he always felt too good for a TNT drama. 

I don’t know if I can downplay the importance of Molly in that final season that much, Shane discovering that Jenny sabotaged her potential reconciliation was a pivotal moment and made her a murder suspect. I think they were TRYING to set up Molly as the the “Shane is finally ready to have a real relationship/if only

The Molly thing was big in the final season for Shane! They broke up, but then Molly wrote her that letter that is implied was a go-for-broke-I-Love-You thing that potentially would have reconciled them but Jenny hid it up in the attic with the Lez Girls film. Shane discovered it and realized Jenny sabotaged her

Dropping the Max storyline and to some extent what happened between Shane and Molly seem the most egregious (and most likely) when it comes to “pretending things never happened.”

No Mostly Dead Things?? For shame!

I suspect they’re going to do a significant amount of retconning-through-passing-mention around open ended storylines from the final season of the original. Obviously characters like Carmen have long since had their chapters closed, but they definitely need to explain the absence of Kit (I think we’ve already seen the
