
Tell me more!? Bran the Builder era Starks or something? Always into who the hell the night king is theories. 

I’m gonna return to this comment if my half-baked theory comes to fruition! :) 

Thank you, I feel vindicated! I’m about halfway through the first book right now (Sam just got to the wall). 

Can’t remember how to spell her name. Also gay and bad spelling?

I’m still noodling this theory out in my head so I’m sure you’ll be able to poke hella holes in it, but the Targaryens and the Night King feel DEEPLY connected somehow.

Ahhhhh, good point.

Am I crazy for thinking the Night King is some ancient Targaryen who was waiting for Dany and the return of dragons? 

As a lifelong Bond fan who struggles daily with the knowledge that this is a Bad franchise, I am positively THRILLED to see PWB taking on the script, especially after continuing decline of the Craig years.

It feels strategic and a bit unsettling to only tell Tyrion...and it makes me suspect the motivations of the Three Eyed Raven or...whoever Bran is now.

I admittedly haven’t read the series (I’m about halfway through book one, 20 years later...) so didn’t realize Theon had such a big role in the later books.

What do you think now that you saw the last episode?

I feel the same about your #3. I feel like Dany’s arc ends with her dropping the whole THE THRONE IS MY BIRTHRIGHT and recognizing the throne is evil and ruins everyone it touches and real leadership is pushing for self-determination. 

I don’t really get the “Nobody is safe” thing. I don’t feel like they offed any major characters. Everyone they killed was pretty expendable. Jon was brought back to life, Dany, the three Lannisters, Arya, Sansa...all living. I’d actually be more annoyed if they didn’t kill any of them. 

What is worse than a million Dothraki Zombies attacking you from the North? A million Kings Landing Zombies attacking you from the South at the same time CHASING YOU TO THE SEA WHERE YOU MUST ESCAPE ON TO YARA’S FLEET!!!

Things I still need

I feel like the NK feinting North and heading South is inevitable to get him and Cersei to converge at King’s Landing.

I find myself annoyed that Jon is acting as this mouthpiece go-between between Sansa and Dany. Why aren’t they talking??? 

Sansa’s got no such illusions, and has seen Cersei for who she really is for quite a while now.”

Both Snape AND Rickman are dead so this is doubly aggressively wrong REMOVE IT AT ONCE. 

Really? This is the first trailer I laughed out loud during in a loooong time.