
Watching Louise’s ability to manipulate everyone around her, especially dumb rich people and apathetic adults, makes me realize that she could easily grow up to be a start-up con artist of the Theranos variety.

Also, The Ramones you basic bitch?

And obviously as world without books inevitably ends up in a disgusting hot tub. It is the natural progression of things. 

They did that on The Real World too, I think after the first season they had so much footage of people sitting around reading they took away books. 

This could actually force a flashback within a flashback...because WaG was a flashback where Roland would then flashback further into his youth to when the Man In Black banged his mom. (am I remembering that right?)

Yeah it basically put the blame for cancelation back on minority viewers with a “Sorry, you just didn’t watch it hard enough!

I have complicated feelings towards Neelix. I occasionally liked him as a foil for Tuvok, but he’s a knock-off Guinan at best.

I think I’ll avoid googling and stay happily in my “Kes and The Doctor Being Best Friends Solving Medical Space Mysteries Together” bubble, thanks.

I am in the middle of a Voyager re-watch and WOW I did not know this!

Any time Ann interacts with Bill I think of one of my favorite chapters in World War Z, where a private bodyguard reminisces about Maher/Coulter stand-ins hatef*cking as the zombie apocalypse rages around them (and then I get SO MAD at the movie adaptation of what should have been a fantastic miniseries)

I understand and respect this reaction. 

This person is cosplaying alan cumming-as-billie blakie from The L Word and I am here for it. 

omg, she’s watching the Fyre Fest documentary nowtoo, maybe she does read Jez!!!???


welcome all of you. between her and TheHyperbalist my hate follow experience is perfectly curated. 

go on! Need more info (w/o doxing yourself of course)

oh god what have I done.

lol get out of my brain i’ve just been sitting here thinking “Who will Michael B Jordan be?” 

During this debacle I followed some of the attendees to track the mess in real time because I love a slomo trainwreck, this included following some sort of trustafarian named kt_magee (0n instagram), who was posting about her experience. This ended up being the gift that kept on giving, because long after Fyre Fest out

Agreed. I sincerely hope they don’t feel like just because the characters were written white they have to stay white and we see some diverse casting.