
Looks like I'm gonna have to pull the x-55 rhino back out of the gear closet.

Using the duke rape case as an example? This post is a joke right? You must be part of this new wave of truthfinders, who decide who is guilty and who isn't, regardless of evidence. Let me guess, you also think the CIA invented crack to keep minorities down. Oh and the government tries to mind control us with

How exactly is anyone able to quantify the number of misogynists in a group of an unknown size? This guy in TAY posted a thread showing a person on 8chan pretending to be multiple posters. It may seem like there are a ton of douchewaffles doing this, but it in actuality it seems like a small amount (like you say)

Call me when someone beats Crypt of the Necrodancer with a dance pad.

I've had my entire team die to a warlock super and a titan super in the same match. You can actually interrupt a bladedancer, not so for the other classes.

For the right to block a hallway with a crowd of horny wannabe photographers.

Yeah, because a slideshow in a ppt presentation is going to get church sued... nope.

I really don't think that theory flies. The Traveler shows no ulterior motive other than being defended. The darkness comes to humanity's solar system and wages a war against humans that sounds eerily similar to genocide, and yet humanity defending itself from extinction makes it bad? What makes the Traveler evil in

I don't see how this is any worse than Joe Biden's "they will reside in hell." I get that everyone on this website hates Phil, but it's laughable that the VP is basically leaving off the "convert them part" and is receiving praise for it.

She's only famous because people treated her like shit on the internet. Her videos were terrible before her kickstarter and they have continued to be terrible after.

Fair enough. I didn't mean to focus so hard on just that, but it hit home so I got tunnel vision. I can't stress enough that I'm not some MRA turd.

Sorry for the late reply, something was preventing me from viewing your replies in the notification tab. I get that there are circumstances in which consensual sex can turn into rape, I'm just saying that this wasn't one of those cases. I'm not trying to belittle anyone else's legitimate experience with the subject,

I understand what you are saying. I personally thought the texts damning evidence, although by themselves they probably weren't. Him being innocent was a culmination of a whole bunch of things that just didn't add up on her behalf. And not to sound like a dick, but when things don't add up its generally not because

What I'm saying is that the particular session was planned via text. She walked from a party to HIS house to do the deed. Without going into details that could get either party identified, there was a misunderstanding that lead to her mom pushing her into the accusation. It was pretty cut and dry when it went to

"that doesn't happen"