
New word for these kind of shows: Fremdschämen: Verb, (reflexive, colloquial) to feel ashamed on someone else's behalf, to feel ashamed for someone else (e.g. because they don't feel ashamed of themselves) who has done something embarrassing. (Why Mr. Bean exists.)

Hubby should feel free to have all the children he gestates circumcised. Your corporeal person built that foreskin, after all. You get 1.5 votes. (Mostly kidding.)

Isn't "sociopath" a normal stage of human development that most of us grow out of?
It sure seemed like it at our house, anyway.

<blockquote>"If you're noticing that fat people don't seem to like you very much, it might be because you assume all of us are nutrition-illiterate simpletons indiscriminately gobbling meatballs (sometimes at midmorning!!!) while we slowly fuse to our toilets with Cheeto dust."</blockquote>

I miss seeing men in actual shorts. That are short.

I am not on HRT, and neither was my mom, though my MIL took it for a while, till the study came out that it was not the best idea ever. I sympathize that the transition can be aggravating, I wish we could call it something like reverse puberty, so there was a better idea of what it entailed hormonally.

Yep. Me, too. The thing is, keeping track of period coverage is an intermittent, not interesting, task. Fuck it. Leaks happen. I don't feel bad about them, they make a good excuse to get new underwear once in a while.

Man, I bring it up early and often. I'm sure my kids are really tired of my letting them in on stuff as it comes up. Life is short, I don't want them wasting time not getting the most out of their parts. They're both getting one of these to keep on hand at 14:…

I love how the handwringing is going to foist blame on fat women, not the international food industrial complex they're stuck in. My babies are teenagers, but when I had them, 8#13oz was the statistical sweet spot for optimal neural development. Now it = fat baby? I normally wouldn't retain this kind of data, but

I wish there was less secrecy around weight, because the number on the scale really isn't terribly relevant up to a a point, and that point is different for everyone. Boobs, butts and muscle weigh more, skeletons are hung differently. The number is interesting just to see how differently it can be comprised, but we've

I think the SNAG's are just older versions of the Enlightened Bro's. Same issues, just not cool anymore. Assholes. I prefer good ol' boys, at least you know where you stand with them. (Nowhere, but its better than quicksand.)

Sensitive new age guys are the worst. Ugh.

Good for you, I am glad you have come through and are doing well. The first few years are really hard, regardless of how you spend them, especially with twins. Mine are 18 months apart, and I cannot remember anything about their first few years, period, I was so exhausted and stressed.

Stay with your plan. Trust me.

I quit to become a full-time mom, and unfortunately designed my career "leaning out" with the expectation that I would do so. Hadn't thought of it that way before "the book," but there it is. Augh. I am slightly pre-Title IX, and it seemed like a good plan at the time.

I actually performed that experiment on the French family I stayed with in the 80's. Not that they were aware of it...nobody died. (Result: Evian = tap water.) I've managed to avoid purchasing bottled still water to this day. I just don't get it.

Some things seem like they might be best left to a vivid fantasy life, however, as long as everyone is consenting, have at it. Everybody has a dream, this one seems pretty innocuous.

Not just for dating: I always wonder how many people are passing each other on the freeway going opposite directions on their way to essentially the same job. We could use some efficiency in this area.

Stores wouldn't make this garbage available if idiots somewhere weren't buying it. (Where is the boy version with a beer hat? Har har har. Ugh.)

These parents have no right to complain about their kids growing up too fast. What is wrong with people? These are young humans, not performing monkeys. How 'bout we save some stuff for them to find out when they've grown up themselves, instead of milking their naiveté for our amusement?