Fucking snowflakes man, eternally triggered.
Fucking snowflakes man, eternally triggered.
If you want to have money when you are old, already be rich when you are young.
These people that call Meghan and Harry “minor royals” and claim Meghan is an attention seeking social climber are the same ones that are mad that H&M want a wee bit of time and privacy. I call bullshit. They can’t have it both ways.
Harry is nowhere near the line of succession anymore due to William’s issue. I say let him and Meghan have their privacy
And just like that illegal pirating is taking a rise again. Spotify proved that if you offer everything for a decent sum people will stop downloading illegal shit. Too bad movie and TV series people don’t seem to get it and all want their own service.
“Netflix says the company will just replace the shows we watch with new shows. Problem solved”
i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation
When do we reach peak streaming? How many services can the average viewer reasonably adopt?
I like the concept of debt forgiveness for non-profit or governmental work. I graduated with a fairly small amount of college debt (20k or so). Where this makes me feel a bit off is that I had to work all the way through school. I’m sure there was some dipshit partying the whole way through school and racking up…
Sure let’s run a milquetoast, centrist, establishment Democrat against Trump cause that worked so well for us in 2016. Jesus Fucking Christ. I’m seriously starting to really believe that most Democrats don’t really want Trump out of office
Fuuuuuuuck Joe Biden.
I like that the person whose screen name is “Food” is the one to point this out.
I agree. His affection for her was definitely originally platonic, he saw her as a kid, not a budding sexual partner. It all reminded me of Little House on the Prairie when Laura finally gets Almanzo Wilder to recognize her as a woman instead of the little girl he’d come to know. Except with more side boob.
It’s funny that some people are more disturbed by Arya having consensual sex than the time she killed a guy, baked his body parts into a pie and then fed it to the guy’s sons.
Personally I dont have a boner for Arya, not that it matters. That being said girls grow into women and what they do with their bodies is their concern. If she wants to have sex with someone whom she’s attracted to then good for her.
I’m anti them because Arya is a badass mothafucker and I just don’t buy that having sex would be a big priority for her character.
And Gendry has had a low-key thing for Arya since almost the very beginning anyway! He told her a few seasons ago (when she was saying they could be like family to each other) “you wouldn’t be my family, you would be milady.” Yes, ok, he could have been speaking strictly about their class differences, but the tone in…
that a Man is more right to rule simply because of his gender