
I remember when I read about them bonding over both being widowed, I got a little worried about the whirlwind wedding they ended up in. I remember after getting divorced (much lesser trauma than a death of course), I hooked up quickly with a guy who had also recently been divorced, both of us having lost our partners

Those Russian bots you’ve heard so much about were extremely effective

The magic of the Antiques Roadshow was washed away for me when Michael Aspel was presenting. I did a few bits for the BBC many years ago and was present when they came to where I live. Michael spent nearly 50 minutes in every hour outside smoking. He’d come in, they’d talk to him for a few minutes, then he’d do a two

I do hope that as part of the selling process they track down what’s far more interesting - was there any connection between FIL’s great-whatever and Bronte, or did whatever ancestor who attained this get it from one of the estate auctions, in which case who did it belong to?

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

Netanyahu is just Trump with brains.

The US-Israel relationship is one of the most important relationships that we have on the planet

I know it’s hours later but if you still can/haven’t already tell the guy from the dating app you’re free and go out with him. Don’t say anything to the other guy. If you hear from him, don’t reply until tomorrow. He can’t possibly be so busy that he couldn’t take 2 seconds to reply. This is one of my biggest pet

It’s late so this might not be seen but I’m struggling. I’ve been looking for a roommate for over 2 months now and another person just fell through. Meeting strangers and inviting them into my home is so emotionally taxing on me. I want this to be over so I can move on and I’m really frustrated by how this latest

I wouldn't tell him, I would just go on the other date. Realtor is being rude and doesn't get to date you tonight. Enjoy your other date. Maybe you'll even get on better than you do with Realtor. 

I just want to share that I have a crush, and I'm so happy I feel like the sun shines out from my every orifice. 

My SIL just ended a nearly 2 decade long relationship with a man who never properly stood up to his awful family. There were always other issues to contend with, but his family would always side against my SIL and never passed up an opportunity to make the wedge bigger and deeper. You didn’t want that. If it took him

Hi Jezzies, I’m feeling pretty depressed and my anxiety is bad at the moment. The house I’m moving into has a lot of repairs so it’s going to take a while to be ready to move into. I also found out that the poor lady that lived there before killed her self in the property. It’s all adding up to a nightmare at the

you don’t get AIDS from someone coughing in a room full of people. But you do get measles that way. You don’t know people who died from measles, because they are dead. We don’t see the people regularly who were disfigured because of it because they often are shy about being stared at because of how they look.

Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”

Refutation of point 1:

Problem with the AIDS vs. Measles binary: AIDS is very hard to get and there is no vaccine, while measles is very easy to get if you are unvaccinated.

A child’s vaccination records are usually processed when they apply for admission into kindergarten. That’d be an easy check, right there—no vaccination, no public school.

Beyond that, vaccination records are kept on file at the hospital that performs them, and in a portable patient file that transfers with the patient


I’m all for the inalienable rights of the Constitution, but the free exercise of those rights ends when they infringe upon the inalienable rights of another.

To that end, refusal to vaccinate oneself or one’s offspring infringes upon all three of the majors—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—because disease