Or, it’ll give new life to those heavily smogged C3s and C4s nobody wants, and it’ll get more people into Corvettes. That’s good right?
Or, it’ll give new life to those heavily smogged C3s and C4s nobody wants, and it’ll get more people into Corvettes. That’s good right?
Well at least I kept mine, and I still have my Wii U, and until recently my old DS-i.
The hawk isn’t invasive, they’re supposed to reign in the populations of songbirds. Feral cats aren’t native and cause far more damage to the environment than a hawk does.
Are they at least supervised while they’re outside? I can’t imagine letting a cat out unsupervised being worth the risk
Snakes > Cats
These articles turn me off from Smash so much. I’ve played it a couple times with some friends and had some fun but the community seems so toxic to me I don’t want anything to do with it.
How is it different?
Man, shit like this is why I got out of online gaming. Just so much hate and animosity I couldn’t stand it.
I’m still on the Sims 3, I’m too invested in my sims to switch lol
Ah, that’s great! The lack of hair types was one of my gripes with the sims 3
It sounds fancy that’s all that matters
Reminder that shelters don’t just deal with dogs and cats, they’ve got reptiles, guinea pigs and hamsters, and I’ve even seen some fish. And I wish they’d crack down on people selling animals at flea markets and the like. I’ve seen some bad shit from them
Honestly I didn’t even think it was still around, surprised it stayed around as long as it did
I’m afraid I don’t really see the issue here , you can drift with a automatic
Crown Vic or Chevy Caprice
SR swap or are you going to build up the KA?
I gotta say, it was hard for me to resist making another bad pun
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