Grant Goble

Does it tweet?

Damn border patrol is mean as help. The dude surrendered and they still threw him down.

I can't remember if he made anything good. I love Chris tucker and Jackie Chan but rush hours are just blah

I liked that movie when I was a kid too. I meant in a sorta the idea of the idea of the Internet film critic was still new. But I was 14 back then. Lol I gave, news stories back then. Mostly because I'd just read an article and I knew the info was wrong. 99% DVD related.

Brett Ratner was making bad movies before the internet existed. Make a good movie and people will come…. maybe you kinda burned a lot of bridges with audiences by putting out crap. None of my friends and I when we talk about you mention RT scores, just share our horror stories of how you tend to ruin good things like

The News It's fantastic!!

I forgot that…happened…… I've been busy as of late

Thanks for spoiling Gail's fate for me in THE TITLE!!!!!! seriously I was just glancing at the tv club.

There is no symbolism . It was an accident….. Learn to read, before you talk shit

I bet somebody is feeling pretty dumb over at the women's march twitter

I was going to say something serious, and then I saw this.. thank you

Meh, It was announced long, maybe even a year before Powerless. Now that DC has their own network show with an extremely similar premise. Pretty sure Marvel is either not going to do it at all or they might wait and see how Powerless does, before they commit

eww no damage control….. i'm calling it. it's not happening

Great tail!!! lol

It should definitely be called "Hit Me Baby,…..One More Time: A Tragedy of Fame" A Lifetime Movie Event

I don't really like dumb and dumber anymore or any of the goofy 90s comedies anymore.

It's either Glenn, or they don't know what to do.I feel like that Bullshit with Glenn earlier in the season was them testing the waters with getting with one of the longest running characters

It's an off shoot of Punk

Lazy writing