Grant Goble

Not raising the minimum wage will more likely lead to a worker revolution, something that actually has happened before.

Lol, someone on another forum called them "Mighty Morphin' Power Guyvers!" yes!

Lol, I had no desire to see this and I still don't, but I feel like this is nipples on the batsuit bad. Even though in this case nipples might enhance at least 2 of the suits. Why they frowning too?

yes, shotgun axe, how does that work? I don't care. Also guy getting fucked up by axe equals tv-pg now.

I like that kinda of stuff, it feels very real and organic to me. I feel bad because I remember or at least I think I remember she tried to or talked about killing herself in the uncle chip episode. I think the season will end with everybody putting aside their own selfish BS and stop her from killing herself, or at

I felt so bad for Sarah, when she asked her team mate (maybe friend) to stop filming her dad's freak out.

I remember them doing some gollum stuff with Frank for some reason, but can't place it at the moment.

Nice to see Boone in something, I can't remember seeing him in anything since Batman Begins, still recognized as soon as i saw him

How didn't lois lane die while she was pregant with supes baby? oh i felt the baby kick and now I have a hole in my abdomen.

predator 2 has the corny goodness though, voodoo man and what not. It would be cool if there's some sort of workprint version out there or something that is actually good.

So the next episode is feb 14. I'm seriously pissed off.

My buddy Eric has everybody beat. I was at his family's house and I saw a copy Caligula on videotape I was like oh that's weird and he told me that he watched it with his entire family now that's awkward

"You'll just to wait and see like a year and a half or longer."

I doubt that kid was really in that box during the orgy.

"Buckle up Buckaroos!!!'

I heard they were filming in my neighborhood a few weeks ago. I also heard steve and CK were directing segments.

Noah going to learn a college skill only to die by the end of the episode. huh, did the writers just finally see Boyz in the hood. lol

"a dolphin with a bow on it." "I hope the dolphin dying didn't ruin your day."

Kimmy rides a bike I think is my favorite.

I just finished the season. it's a lot like 30 Rock, but without Jack. I want the second season already.