
For there to be a joke missed, you would have had to say something funny.

Pretty sure they got the joke and the underlying message and are disagreeing with that.

The oddest one, though, has to be this Metroid art, which manages to look strangely faithful to the source except for the single most important thing about the source.

It’s funny thinking back about 18 months when impeachment was derided by leftists as a #Resistance grifter rallying cry, but ever since Tlaib said “impeach the motherfucker” and Pelosi has put out more quotes against it everyone has had to run and jump in behind impeachment like they were there all along.

Everything AOC is saying in the clip is shit I’ve been saying for years to some of my more conservative family members and they don’t even have an adequate response. But, facts are a partisan issue now, so if science isn’t Republican, fuck it!

but why should he actually READ something an inform himself?  It’s easier to just be offended and shit on everyone else’s good time.

They did their homework: the music playing when Kane looks at the egg is Jerry Goldsmith’s original score for the scene, which was not used in the final mix.

North Bergen is a B district finanical group, with A being the poorest and J being the richest.

North Bergen is not arich school. Maybe do some basic research 

Nothing is ever good enough! Burn down North Bergen High School for equality!!! Roar!!!!!

Fuck off.

We need to listen to both sides of the issue - the people who survived being shot and those who are dead.

Having grown up in Indiana but leaving after high school, I always try to explain to people here in Minnesota what Indiana was like. The best thing I can tell people is that I have never been anywhere that wishes it had been part of the Confederacy more than Indiana.

This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing”. And I wonder how those cops would have responded if the teachers had countered and taken their asses down? Bring it on assholes.

In fairness, how else would people know that being shot is a bad thing?

They are not soft. Especially at velocity. And you can and should to regulate the velocity of the pellets.

They’re pushing for lawmakers to include an amendment prohibiting the practice as part of a school safety bill currently up for debate.

After reading this, I want to quit teaching again.

.... obviously they’re NOT soft, Bob, or else people wouldn’t be complaining.