Having read the first 2 issues, I agree with you.
Having read the first 2 issues, I agree with you.
I did not skip the first two issues, and you're right.
Why does Glenn Head's book spell his name with two Ns on the cover but only one N on the inside page shown here? That's odd.
Gaiman probably doesn't need the money, but I hope Mike Carey also got paid pretty good for this.
Great story!
But then I'd need a record player.
I really like "Get Disowned", but I have to say that, without her voice, I think they would be forgettable.
Their first album is on Bandcamp. You can stream it all for free, and then buy it for 10 bucks.
"Make Love…" was a disappointment to me. It just didn't work and wasn't particularly funny. Of course, it's an entirely fictional autobio story, so in retrospect I'm not really sure how that *could* work.
Man, it's almost like words can have different meanings based on context. Crazy.
I've seen AVClub commenters defend it before, but I'm unable to see what they (and you) see.
I thought this was one of the most disappointing comedies I've ever seen. I think I'd only laughed twice during the whole duration. Given the talent, it should have worked, right? But it doesn't.
I thought TP was the sloggiest of all of them. The doggy bug hunts were speedbumps in the way of the fun parts, and the muddy color schemes and creepy character designs really sapped some of the fun out of it. It's the only Zelda game that, after finishing, I knew I'd never feel like playing through again, and after…
What a weird way to frame the question, the way you implied that LttP is not the best one.
Is it just me, or did this parody ignore every part of 2001 that was actually memorable?
"Soule … will be leaving … Swamp Thing"
After the fifth or sixth movie, I started skipping the Right-On & Dumbass parts entirely.
I'm fine with his more straight-man comedy roles. Innerspace, Three Amigos, etc. And in drama… did you see him in Damages? He was really good.