I feel the opposite. I don't think he's been funny since the 80s.
I feel the opposite. I don't think he's been funny since the 80s.
It seems like a huge oversight that the release year of this film is not mentioned anywhere in this review.
I guess you're not familiar with Sevendust.
Neither does Fear Factory.
That's an error. The song is "Shock".
You sound like you haven't played it very much then.
I picked up the first 3 issues of this run, and… I don't know, it wasn't doing it for me. It's like the stories had no resonance. I'd finish an issue… and feel nothing. No antipathy, but no anticipation for the next one either. I wish I could see what the AV Club sees in it.
Yeah, when Thanos came back I was wondering what I missed. It's double-stupid that GttG has ignored it for so long. I'm dreading that it'll be related to those weird spatial anomalies that Quill's been seeing.
I was also big into the DnA cosmic stuff, and that's the only reason I picked up the new Nova. This is clearly a different thing than that (obviously aimed younger), but still cosmic enough for my liking. The stuff you say Marvel is doing to promote it (tying with Avengers + big crossover events) is exactly what I…
Would love to see a citation for Loeb's opinions on serialized TV.
I rather like the new Nova book. (And Loeb hasn't written it since #5.)
Was this track actually released officially somehow, if not on the album? iTunes?
Anyone who likes that article about the Amazon tribe should pick up Daniel Everett's book about his experiences with the tribe, "Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes". It's super great. (Everett being the linguist at the center of the article.)
The reason I'm bothered is stupid: I just think you're wrong about the character, and you don't know you're wrong because you haven't actually read it.
You're right, those are bad choices of words.
I've simply gotten sidetracked on the original point of my argument, and perhaps misunderstood the aims of the criticism.
Perhaps. But I think it's premature to lock someone's sexuality down based on liaisons that occurred at a young age. I think we can both agree that some folks don't figure out their sexuality until late in the game.
The same people who are doing that.
In contrast, you seem to imply that sleeping with a guy means you must be bi forever.
Even that seems like an oversimplification.