
Yes, yes.... very brave of them.


My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw him pass out at the game last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

“What was he thinking?”

It would be a Music City Miracle if he survived that one.

Would have never guessed he would come up short.  Wide right maybe,  but not short. 

“You should never lead with your head like that”

Joe Paterno knew in the 70s that Sandusky was raping kids. Forty goddamned years as an assistant to JoePa with Joe knowing that this guy was raping kids and he did nothing.

Great, but let's stop right there. I don't want to see his O face.

Kirk ferentz winning on a walkoff punt miscue? You know someone is treating himself to the medium heat salsa tonight

Neymar runs around, is mobbed by teammates, he jumps in the air, revels in the cheers and then goes back to get the ball so he could celebrate again all for nearly a minute after scoring and that’s “barely celebrates”?

Tim Tebow was on First Take Friday morning to talk with Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman

Potato” is a shape.

The neck tattoo comment is a cheap-shot. The Philadelphia municipal code requires neck tattoos to be admitted to any public sporting event. 

That ball had more English than a P.G. Wodehouse collection.

Is no one going to mention what looks like an already broken pane of glass in the background? This apparently isn’t the little maniac’s first rodeo.

Looks like someone got to BJ's Wikipedia page lmao. This whole thing is sad, but kind of fulfilling, in a weird way. I feel like Penn has kind of always been a piece of shit. 

Who’d a thunk a guy that was just a complete fucking asshole in the public eye for 8 or so years is.... actually a complete fucking asshole.  

Yes. The dude always seemed like kind of an asshole (evidenced, perhaps, the fact that he has garnered the most technical fouls, by a large margin, of anyone else in the last decade?), but you’d never know it reading a Deadspin article.

I know there will be a lot of people who makes jokes in these comments, but I think we should step back a moment and reflect on the sad, nay the TRAGIC dissolution of a romantic relationship.