I was going to say that it is giving strong Isuzu Amigo vibes! I’ve liked these things since the 90's, and was completely unaware of the Vauxhall version.
I was going to say that it is giving strong Isuzu Amigo vibes! I’ve liked these things since the 90's, and was completely unaware of the Vauxhall version.
Did you read the article? The hole was in “a “remote” part of the property about 100 feet beyond the store’s swivel gate” that wasn’t used for business or by employees. Based on the description of the location, its possible the employees didn’t even know it was there.
Lol...It hadn’t occurred to me that he may have been harrassed by an old Miata through every turn. He had on some fancy driving shoes, though. For all I know he was the Stig’s Mid-West cousin.
I went to one of the basic BMW track events where you can drive a 3 series and there was a dude there complaining that his brand new M4 wasn’t great on the track. Even if money is no object , a new M4 seems like a poor choice for regular track use even if you are modify it to the point of making it damn near unuseable…
Cavaliers, particularly the third gen, will run poorly longer than most cars will run at all. Its like they get to a certain level of crappiness, and just stay there while still being driveable.
“Neighbors are reportedly concerned...also that it wasn’t designed with local wetlands in mind”
It happens. My ex wife made 50% more than I did, but had zero impulse control and significant debt. I was able to buy a house in a high COL area on my own a month after my divorce was finalized.
Tesla could be an interesting partner. CDJR would get desperately needed EV tech and Tesla could learn a thing or two about assembling cars and supply chains. The overlap in their vehicle line ups is small and shouldn’t result in much cannibalization.
School boards are banning books and state legislators are forcing teachers to post the 10 commandments in classrooms. I’m sure the government could create a fantastic curriculum on the clearly defined subject of “good parenting”.
Unfortunately, being extra careful is largely irrelevant in the US. You don’t have to be breaking the law to get detained, beaten, robbed, imprisoned, and/or straight up murdered by law enforcement.
In high school (late 80s), I rode in a Fiero with 3 girls. I was in the passenger seat with 2 on my lap. It was a short, but memorable trip.
Is the opening sequence of the video staged?
(not replacing the daily you like since this is literally a penalty box)
The weirdo known as G. Gordon Liddy always said “X thousand million” instead of a billion. 56 thousand million may be more impactful than showing the zeros - most people are going to zone out before their brain processes the second comma.
Volkswagen Beetle, of course. It went from being a pet project of Adolf Hitler to being the car of choice for hippies to this, its final form (picture a New Beetle with eyelashes if the image gets kinja’d).
I had a green 1995 626 ES with this V6 and a manual in 1997. I lusted after the coupe but my 626 had leather, power everything, sunroof, and the motorized air vents that would swing from side to side to create a breeze in the cabin. It was fairly luxurious for the time.
My roommate had an Ion in 2003. I drove it once for about 5 miles, and hated every minute of it. The stupid center mounted gauge cluster really highlighted the massive expanse of absurdly cheap plastic dash.
The Mitsubishi Outlander is built on the Nissan Rogue platform. The Delica will probably share a Nissan platform that is based on a Renault and powered by a hybrid engine that evolved from the 4G63.
Remember the Dodge Nitro?