GrannyShifter (don't judge my Hofmeister kink)

With study after study after study showing that heterogenous groups of people make better decisions, and a similar number of studies showing that homogeneous groups make worse decisions, it should be quite obvious that having diversity in any workforce is a recipe for success.

I find the Miata very uncomfortable and cramped. Just give me a bigger turbo manual Miata (Even Hybrid to meet emissions targets) please I will buy one new!

1. Rampant income inequality

The death toll from the three crashes totals 72 people, making this one of the deadliest periods in American aviation since 2001.”

7 is more than a few hours. Along with the fact that this started because he tried to ram a pedestrian. Just let him keep cruising! Are you serious?

I was in this boat in 2020 and bought a 2014 Focus Titanium, which except for Apple carplay, generally had all the features and styling for what I needed then and even now (though truth be told, its now my daughter’s).

Unlike half of America, most Germans can easily recognize a Nazi shit ass.

Looks good and seems priced right.

10k/yr is a pretty standard lease threshold. It’s slightly below the average miles. Most people don’t take road trips on the regular. 


When in doubt, go with the Holy Trinity

Nope. They will drive their F-150 on their daily, 60-mile round trip commute AND bitch about the price of gas.

Seems like a fairly light duty truck for hauling things that truly need a crane.

G37x, Fast AWD reliable, don’t have to spend even $20K. Not quite compact car size but not too big either

As an Ohioian, one correction to the article. Kids receive a new book each month from sign up until their 5th birthday, not just for a year. You can sign your kid up at birth and get a book every month for five years. For free.

I had three kids go through the program and I blame Dolly for their love of books as it was

See, this is why I never want to really go to the deep south (alabama, mississippi, arkansas) as a non white person... and I want to go for some of the great driving roads and hiking I hear about. Spending a week driving around the back roads and hiking the southern part of the Appalachian mountains

To cover up his tracks, the 28-year-old told investigators he had been looking at texts sent by colleagues”

Around 2001 my buddy bought an ‘89 Riv with the touchscreen in it. I felt like we were in the future, even though the car was already 10-12 years old. Blew my mind.

Aside from the well known spark plug issues, the crankshaft on the 6.8 is pretty weak. The split-pin crank (to accomodate the 2 extra cylinders on a modular engine design) makes it prone to failure when you crank up the power. In the end the amount of internal upgrades that need to be done to make it take the same