Full of the sound of the Gran Fury, signifying nothing.

Dirt. You want to sell something for five figures? Break out a friggin’ vacuum cleaner and at least give the impression that you give a damn. Top shape? Somehow I have my doubts.


Can we please try that out on him now, you know, just in case he might actually have tertiary syphilis?.. Please? A few grams IV should do the trick...

Probably more seats than the F-250, but yeah - pass on this...

Three years ago (on my birthday of all days - party time!), when I was unemployed and broke, someone smashed a window and stole my Garmin. I replaced the window and just used the phone for GPS until I found another Garmin at the Goodwill Outlet for a dollar or two. Last year I left the car unlocked and Simmons

For a while I only had 1GB per month, so offline mode was a lifesaver for me. I now have 4GB per month, and so I try to save as much of that as possible for more important things.

No - you can have the maps stored locally on your phone (Google maps offline mode) and just use the GPS receiver in the phone to correlate the map to the GPS reading. I actually use a cellular version of an iPad mini 2 as my GPS. The cellular version has a GPS receiver built in, whereas the WiFi only models don’t. I

On my E34 the antenna is built into the rear window. When I had the windows tinted I mistakenly assumed that the shop was aware of this, but quickly found out after picking up the car that they were not. Whatever metal was in the film that they used destroyed the reception, necessitating a return trip to replace the

Pence having lunch with a Trump property? He is a Trump property - a fucking tool...

Under most circumstances, nobody gets to drive my car. I let my mother drive it when I went in for surgery and wasn’t allowed to drive. I figured that she could handle it since she was the one that taught me to drive stick shift.

Book deal in 3... 2... 1...

Whenever I hear that name I think of an old brand of cigarettes, and think that the place probably smells about the same and has about the same appeal as an overflowing ashtray.

I’m all for more minivans, but I could do without the phony macho ‘toughness’, expensive and uncomfortable tall wheels and tires and excessive ride height. But if that’s what it takes to get more minivans on the road I guess I’ll have to accept it. Once they make the version for the insecure they could use that as a

In order to play it they'd have to know how to read...

When I worked in commercial aviation about 10-15 years ago I had multiple opportunities to work Air Force One flights. I decided that it would be best for all if I did not go out there on the tarmac for fear of causing an incident, and instead just took care of the behind the scenes stuff - security clearances,

Now playing

Great video regarding logo design which, given the use of AT&T in this article, you've already seen.

You think the prisons are crowded now...

Maybe not a car, but he has been in the front of a truck...

Since I absolutely had to have the manual transmission in my Mazda5 I was forced to buy the base model which meant I didn’t get some of the goodies I that I was accustomed to in previous cars, like leather steering wheel and a 6-disc changer. Ebay was my friend. I found the factory leather wheel for less than the cost

It’ll blend right in with traffic.