Full of the sound of the Gran Fury, signifying nothing.

My dad recently sold his absolutely perfect (looking) 2000 W210 for $2000. Nice chrome wheels, not a dent or scratch on it. It needed a few sensors here and there as is typical for old German cars, hence the reason for dumping it. He is meticulous when it comes to maintaining his vehicles, but at some point he just

From what the dealer told my dad when he bought his (and later, my) E34 was that it was a safety feature. In accidents the rear passengers had a tendency to move inwards and bang their heads together in something they called ‘gonging’, so by reversing the seatbelt orientation they no longer smacked into each other. A

Mmmm, pre-charred steak...

Rent control. I had lived in the same building since 1993, and in the same unit since 2000. The family that owned the complex since the ‘60s sold out around 2001 and a bunch of investment groups bought it; there would be days where a bunch of fine young 20-something whiter-than-white MBA-type clone men in their fancy

My old place in Westchester, for which I was paying $1356/mo for when I left in 2012, is now renting for $4795/mo. I have no idea who on earth would pay that much for a very basic 70-year-old apartment next to a major international airport.

For a couple of grand it might be a fun, goofy ride, especially since it’s an ‘88, but $12,500 with body damage and crap wheels? CP...

Nah, they’ll just assume that it’s one of those doctored videos designed to make innocent people look like they’ve said or done something that they didn’t. There is no winning when the playing field isn’t level...

CP - I don’t do small interiors in black (or charcoal or whatever you want to call it) because it’s too claustrophobic. Oh, and the whole firewall cracking and totaling out the car thing. Samcrac (how appropriate is that name) may have done a repair on one of these IIRC. I’d just rather not have something that was so

I’m pretty sure that they’ll think that the skin on doggo’s nose is too dark and take it in for some canine cosmetic surgery or bleaching...

I’m broke, haven’t been able to work a full week in months due to chemotherapy and related complications (multiple pulmonary emboli was the latest batch of fun). I owe thousands to the hospital for my care, and am grateful that I have relatively decent insurance. I’m about to take a LoA at 60% of my salary just to

Re: Taken for Granted. Sorry, pal, but I’m becoming more and more liberal as I age, thanks to a relocation from the coast to the rust belt. Now I can make a comparison between the locations rather than going by limited knowledge gained by staying in the same location for decades. And you know what? I want to go back

Was this guy seen in the neighborhood? Just trying to drive up values on the remaining ones...

I don’t believe in hitting animals, but I make an exception for geese. We had a couple when I was a teen and they were the meanest SOBs, and smacking them in their tiny brainless heads wasn’t enough to get those bastards to back the fuck off.

Hey, now isn't that usage an insult to our testudine friends?

Same here, and same with my family (for the most part). Dad drove BMWs for decades, as did I, but he’s happy with his Chevy Volt and I love my little Mazda. The current stuff BMW makes is just too flashy and appeals to demographics that neither he not I want to be associated with, although we both find it interesting

I think that’s just a GM thing. I remember looking at a Z/28 in the eighties and was stunned at how tiny it was inside compared to my GTI despite being considerably bigger.

Sorry, but any Hummer is an automatic CP...

Similar, but much better and more refined. And that color...

Sorry, I’m older than dirt and have lived a varied and exciting life; graduation was decades ago. Making assumptions, eh? The truly wise amongst us are the ones willing to admit that they don’t know something for their minds are open, and the ones I fear most are the ones that claim to have all the answers.