
If I'm reading Wikipedia right, SD speed rate is about a 1/6 of USB 2.0, so yeah, you can see the problem there when it comes to big textures, audio and video.

Like I said we've got no idea of what we're doing with the genome, say an "undesirable" gene is removed from our gene-pool we got no idea if that gene removal won't cause harm to the following generations of individuals not having that gene in their structure. As for mass killing being abated, it's not because this

Well Apple does it, PC manufacturers too!


Netflix. Also the next xbox probably won't have blu-ray playback, well except if it ships with windows something where they probably already have the codec licenses.

I hope it comes with a system update, because SD cards are much more convenient, maybe it's due to loading times, but hey they should give us a choice nonetheless.


I use it in conjunction with :p

Love it!

Total control is not always a good thing, sometimes you need a little entropy to show you stuffs that you didn't think were possible, also like some other said some real world optic phenomenon are extremely hard to reproduce with fidelity on CGI, CGI doesn't take into account many real world variables that make stuffs

Well calling people genetic trash is the first step towards killing and cruelty towards your fellow human beings, that's how you do wars and justify mass killings à la Ghengis Khan (totaly ignoring his modern counterpart because it's a too easy reference).

What problem, we're already successfully domesticated ourselves, and if it doesn't work we try to tame the uncivilized with our legal system. Mental illness doesn't become a problem if it's correctly treated and understood by society and the patient's entourage. And that if we look at it from our human glasses, nature

There's also the power cost thus heat generation and dissipation of more RAM, we should expect the console makers to go as cheap as possible without compromising the quality with the RAM, that is if they want to make small, cheap, silent and reliable systems. (heat if I understand was one of the main reason of the

It's because they use key animations and clean up that shit up afterwards, so it looks "perfect", well it would if they were in space with no friction but on earth everything is improvising because of the multiple factors in our environment. They should mo-cap everything with models like in Jurassic Park like you

It's Detroit dystopia alright then, even though Detroit dystopia is an oxymoron.

Correction: *You* don't care about WiiU. Next time back up what you're saying with scientific statistics if it's true.

That's awesome. I mean that comment was a breathe of fresh air on the cynical Intertubes, I hope it move as many people as possible. Best of luck in your writing!

It's has more to do with the way the PS3 handles memory, and developers hate it. Also, even massive PC games like Total War don't take more of 2GB of system memory (I'm not talking about GPU RAM that's another story). So a console doesn't need a lot of ram nowadays but a good fast and reliable way of managing this

Wii U disks are like 18 gigs, or something. So maybe 6 disks more or less.

Still a human, with emotions and all the mushy things, I take responsibility that he's part of my species, that assholish piece of shit person.