
A person is something that can ask those following questions:

I liked it when I was a kid, well I didn't speak English at the time and did not know the "f" I was doing, but hey I'm superman!

Consent in twilight? LOL Edward is a manipulative abusive stalker, Bella is literally a tool, going out of her way for the love of stranger she doesn't know (jab at Disney too for that archetype) and probably never matured (the fuck a 117 old *virgin* is doing in an highschool!?), aaaaannnd the werewold pedophilia.

This should be written in some stone visible to all for many generation, maybe in the UN. (You should submit that.)

Nintendo 64, and all the classic game, I still can smell the smell of the place I used to play. The games where much more beautiful than nowadays in my memory, I'm getting old.

Yeah but in this case the free stuffs we're asking are integral parts of the gameplay and base experience, like limitations in the interface, reduced exp (I'm not sure if it's going to be a bad thing yet), and increased price (in the range of 25% to more than 200%) with all currencies in the games except the real

I forgot that, yeah they totally nailed how hacking is really done: exploit the chair-computer squishy interface.

It's not like science is based on facts, we all know it's sorcery, like the way I'm writing this for example has nothing to do with Ohm's Law, Turing Machines, and Quantum Mechanics, it's all wizardly magic. Guys hardly control their cum, the only way of delaying it is to find a turn off, like thinking about baseball

Nobody is questioning the storyline, the graphics, or whatever positive aspect of the model, it's just that there's a bunch of limitation they put in the game that straight up gives you that inferiority complex that you're screwed if you don't pay. A better model would be the DCU one, DCUniverse is the first F2P

Dude, every menu in the game has some part of it locked for those who pay, like the freaking additional quick bar. The game comes with a freaking interface editor and they want me to pay 2$ for a freaking quickbar. Skins, item slots, quick travel, you know convenience and extras I'm willing to pay, but's

Not that argument again, "if we're not willing to eat turd because the creator says so like in other media that's makes us immature and weakens the 'artistic' validity of our medium". The whole point of video games is interaction, so like a play, or a stand up comedy, or improv, or even cuisine, our feedback is all

This is no moon...

A simple solution would've been to put a bump on the "5" like they usually do with the physical counterpart.

Is it bluetooth or dongle?

What about not looking like a stalker, I hate when there's a woman in front of me while I'm walking towards my home and have that feeling that she thinks I'm stalking her while I'm just minding my own business. (Actually nevermind an actual stalker might take that advice to be more effective, but yeah we need to make

James Bond's MI6 are known incompetents, starting with Bond being a "secret agent" even if Bond is his operative cover name, shouting it everywhere is stupid, also 'sposions everywhere obliterating proof.

Yep, push button, run the script, that's how you can be realistic and keep the tension. People stuck on computer screen even with "Hollywood IT" is still boring.

Yeah, but in the US, if you're Brown you're Black, sad reality.

Also, Black People don't age. (Maintaining my advantageous stereotype.)

Okay everyone, time to learn Open GL, it works on all OSes, tablets, Wii U and PS3, and you can be part of the project to make it better.