Grandpa Stern

Too mature, lol tell that to us 40 year old gamers or people like my dad who is 68 and games constantly.

I think it would be an interesting conversation to have about whether we can enjoy things made by horrible people, but the article should have presented itself as that.  I agree the tone is really weird.  I thought I was just reading a preview of the game and the controversy was just shoved in there.  It weirdly read

Sounds like your experience and the author’s experience are two seperate, independent interactions with the game that, while not mappable across all walks of life are nonetheless true for both parties. And an experience that someone else had might not be applicable to another person unless they also felt the same way

Borderlands 2 was the best game I’ve played this year, so I don’t think I’ve aged out. Also, I’m 62.

“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”

I liked Wanted. It was a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a nihilistic sell-out. They say men fantasize about sex over a hundred times an hour, so I wonder how many times Mark Millar fantasizes about Superman characters being turned into violent sex-offenders per hour. Probably a bunch.

I thought the same. Given Actraiser’s admittedly bare-bones sim though, what’s briefly shown here seems like it could work. Here’s hoping, anyway!

Seriously mother fucking actraiser! The sequel was one of those really dumb ass “Why did they remove the cool thing that seperated act raiser from other games???”

same feeling, man. I am almost 40 years old, love nintendo and the sweet feeling of the nostalgia community. I first saw him a year ago reacting to Smash Switch, he broke a couple of shelfs in his apartment. I struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts, so in a short time I could read something on his shenanigans.

That is what is needed in the world more people like you! I know from experience how invisible, unwanted and unworthy depressed people feel. Truthfully speaking our mind yells such things and often tell us suicide would be doing everyone a favor because they can't stand you. Or how you cause them pain, problems or

Yo, you'll want to dismiss Haruhi Croissant, they're a troll notorious on other corners of kinja.

Please dismiss that croissant fascist fuck. He openly celebrates genocide, ethnic cleansing and is as far right as he is an incel. The sheer idea that he’s speaking “in all seriousness” about suicide is laughably insincere.

It’s a damn shame to lose such a talented individual to the tempest of his thoughts and feelings.  Please reach out if you are hurting folks....there is always someone willing to help and listen if you need it.

Spectrum of Difficulty. The Developers were Lazy when it came to the end game content. They needed a normal 6 player match making raid with Div 1 Incursion Mechanics and then they can release 2 weeks later a Heroic 8 player no match making Raid for their luv child streamers & youtubers... I loved helping people in Div

I don’t see whats the problem with just enabling matchmaking and if a pug group can’t do it, tough shit, try again.  “Players might get discouraged”.  You know whats more discouraging?  Not being able to experience end game content because you don’t have 7 other people to do it with.

All we are saying, is give modern peace a chance.

Bowie agrees with this. 

Came to say something similar lol.

And they’re also removing dragon scales from use on the second mana circle and unlocking the third and refunding any you’ve spent. It’s just crazy how generous they’re being with things. And obviously it’s not purely benevolent, a happy playerbase means a playerbase that wants to spend money, but I’ve said it before