
I will defend KK to the grave. People say “ohhhh this is all based on a sex tape!”

i find her incredibly badass and, all things considered, very classy. shit is flung at her and her family at an unbelievable rate and her family tends to engage, but what i hear of kim is good- she’s kind, polite and doesn’t engage. i think it’s disgusting how much people focus on a sex tape she did years ago making

the rage kim inspires in people WILL ALWAYS MAKE ME LOVE HER.

Recycled joke: The show is called Hollywood Medium because it’s not well done.

Aaaand, based on someone else’s comment I might be wrong about this :( Sounds like she kept digging a deeper hole for a while and deleted it. Shame, if that’s the case.

In her defence her apology seemed genuine and vigorous and she claimed she was going to educate herself about why what she said was wrong without anything-splaining etc. etc. In a way that Matt Damon and co. could learn a thing or two from.

I don’t believe anyone is twisting his words. They’re untwistable.

If you’d like to make a statement make one, don’t try to shroud your opinions in questions. You don’t need my permission to be an asshole.

okay but drugs are cool is the thing

“Donda myself” is pretty tasteless though.

THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF MEN. We get messages from men who think they deserve our time and a response just because they have a boner. When we politely decline, they lose their shit. When we ignore them, they lose their shit. When we tell them we have a boyfriend, they lose their shit. And then all of a sudden,

You took the words right off my keyboard. I hope that she doesn’t feel that way anymore. Damn, this got to me.

“I was just a quiet girlfriend who got beat on and told to sit down and shut up.” This is followed by an uncomfortable silence. “My part has no value to, probably, what they really want to talk about,”

well he has no ankles

Pretty sure gay people go to gyms

For some reason people using the word “emotional” in place of an actual, y’know, emotion really gets under my skin. It’s like if I said, “Hey, before you hop in that shower you might want to check the water, it’s a bit temperature.”


the outfits they are wearing are probably worth tens of thousands of dollars and I think they look like fabulous soul sucking witches I would like to subscribe to their lifestyle blog i bet it comes w free cocaine

real talk I think they look perfect like I would claw the eyes out of a defenseless baby to look like them perfect

yeah like one time I drank 12 diet cokes and no water and fainted and had to go to the ER but i didn’t blame my job for that because i’m the idiot who drank 12 diet cokes