
Well she *is* in college, you pedant/spoilsport/dreamcrusher.

I love Lil' Debbie and could never figure out why, but I think you hit the nail on the head.


half of all uncircumcised males will, over the course of their lifetime, develop some kind of medical issue related to their foreskin.

LUDA makes it clear in her profiles that she is a lesbian.

What if I'm laughing at you're comment?

If my husband had thrown me a surprise wedding...let's just say a surprise funeral wouldn't have been far behind.

Pretty soon white people won't even be able to eat a taco without it being racial appropriation.

God isn't real. Take your child to a fucking doctor.

Jesus, it's Russia, not North Korea. She's a kid athlete, not a journalist with damaging info. And its' 2014, not 1957. Yeah, things have changed abroad as well as at home. Lay off the 80s spy films for a bit.

OMG, that fucking FRIDGE! It is amazing and I look for it in every episode. Plus that view they have is spectacular.

why. just why.

Holy shitballs, is there anyone on the Jezebel staff who can take criticism without getting all bitchy about it?

I was going to comment "back door's always unlocked" but then I thought about it and... maybe? HELLO.

Seriously if you think this make anyone the 'worst human being alive' I'd highly suggest you rethink your priorities. And possibly pull your head out of your ass and get to know the real world.

I'm actually incredibly heartbroken right now. I grew up in Waco and left for New York at 18. My mom still lives there. My best friends live all over Texas. Women. Men who have women they love. Women and men I've known from childhood.

"Because young women are far more impressionable than young men."

Then explain Axe Body Spray.