
How are they going to do the L?

while *ignorant* cisgender gay men selfishly and ahistorically attempt to distance themselves from trans causes...

Nothing says “years of wedded bliss” like referencing a story that ends with “and then they both died.”

It’s weird how this line is so often misinterpreted. I’ve played Juliet and seen her played many times and you can always tell which actors/directors know what the words are supposed to mean by how they say this line.

Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”

The Sun reports “just 50 close friends and relatives” attended the ceremony

I can’t wait for his all white jury to aquite him.

I would like to reply with a relevant story.

One of my favorites is a Muslim girl in a headscarf, who wrote, “I cut my hair and no one said anything.”

“I’m going to have to speak to your supervisor!”

She didn’t break the internet, she won it.

What does a Caucasian sound like on the phone?

Anytime I have a conference call for work/try to get a discount on my innanets I clear my throat and put my best Chip voice on

She ain’t wrong...

I bet her Chemistry teacher was thinking “omg I had an impact”

“Fuck Bitches Get Money” if I remember correctly (I’m not going back to periodic table to confirm)

I thought she just did…