We were the Minutemen, so suck it.
We were the Minutemen, so suck it.
Some replacement suggestions:
I mean we all pass the time in different ways, but really, Fraughton? This is how you think your time is best spent? What a freaking weirdo. I would just die if he were my dad.
Am I alone in kind of hating these lists of new talented people under a certain age? I think it foists an expectation upon people as unreasonable as that of a model’s ultra slim body. I’m 33, and for a long time, and still to a degree I still do feel at times like a failure because I’ve not yet had a breakout film or…
This is so meta. Teen girl needs to adopt male alter-ego to be taken seriously in baseball journalism, but adopts male alter-ego of a sketchy jerk, gets busted.
Yea, I’m pulling for that one to be a false accusation. I get that breaking this system down is a good thing but it’s also pretty upsetting.
Beginning of Season 6: Special Agent Dale Cooper takes Frank Underwood’s hand and walks with him through the woods. Cooper turns around and Frank has disappeared. He never existed. 25 years later, Agent Cooper finds himself in an alternate dimension, living under the name Frank Underwood and becomes President.
That was no fainting from the heat of the lights. This woman is used to stage lights, heavy wigs, makeup, etc...
There’s someone on reddit you might want to try and reach out to:
He also framed his sexuality as a choice. His deflection is going to do so much harm to gay people less fortunate than he is.
That clears up one of the rumors.
Are we supposed to guess?
Apparently Spacey is notorious for taking breaks away from the set of House of Cards to enjoy blowjobs out in his car from willing young crew members.They all know about it.
“Tout le monde danse maintenant” just doesn’t have the same ring ;)
You don’t even want to know the punishment for singing “Unbelievable.”
And making him look like a teen dream. Didn’t he start getting all kinds of fans as a result of that cover?