
Yes, let’s create a prank that casts doubt on the legitimacy of future claims of racial profiling and xenophobia. Fox Newsers will refer back to this incident as evidence that brown people are making shit up. What an ass.

Granted, Margaret exploited the situation both for its comedic value and for its social import. Except that Tilda was being perfectly open and receptive to input, so Margaret is mostly being an asshole.

But the context of your reaction would be markedly different.


John Travolta as Edna was an abomination. So happy to see Harvey Fierstein in this role.

I am going to watch the Parent Trap ...the original, not that Lindsay Lohan abomination. That’ll make me feel better.

Then smoking pot? THEN?

Yes, the media has to STOP. Stop giving these assholes an opportunity to convey their bullshit.

The royal penis is clean your highness.

I expect more decorum from the porn industry.

Sweeping generalities must be my coping mechanism. I endured verbal abuse and humiliation for two years. He threw things at me (including a set of kitchen knives) but I didn’t leave until he wrapped his hands around my throat until I couldn’t breathe, my neck was horribly bruised, he twisted the skin on my arm so

Yes. It is a sad fact. I was financially dependent. Moved in with a friend and got back on my feet.

Please tell me what in my post indicates that I’m shaming others? I don’t speak for every survivor, just telling my story.

Where in my post did you see that I was setting a standard or an expectation for others?

Just sharing my story. Calm down. I am not shaming anyone.

A man put his hands on me, and I moved out the very next morning. Boy, bye.

John Bobbitt’s severed penis was my childhood.

I want to “yas” this but I just don’t have the strength


These hardened feminists on Jezebel are so brazen in their dismissive rhetoric toward men. Sheesh!